
UFO Cult(ure)

and other woo-woo in the Matrix

I’ve been compiling a memelanche post for the end of the year, which I’ve been pleasantly distracted away from by other projects and so a brief update post:

First off, the last few months, I’ve been really interested in all this supernatural and occult hidden hand behind what we perceive as reality. Coming from the theatre world, it’s no surprise that I’m drawn to it: stories of mysteries are spell binding. It’s also interesting to see what stories take hold; why do they sound totally credulous to some and wildly unbelievable to others. Where do I stand on the believability spectrum? My needle fluctuates on a framing scale that itself shifts against the metric of civilization.

I had stumbled upon a podcast that set me off in a few different directions and then Mathew Crawford of Rounding the Earth Substack met with Matthew Ehret of Matthew Ehret’s Insights to talk UFO Cults and it might have melted my brain a little bit. It definitely moved my needle so I put together an 8 min highlight video (pasted above) to distil it for myself and to recap it for others if ever a Part 2 to the conversation was to take place. And there is. Tonight, December 19th at 9p ET on here and here. So, I’ll be wrapping presents taking part of a holiday that is based on a supernatural tale, one that I could not partake in growing up under communist buzz-kill only to now be exploited by capitalist feudalists to extract as much value in a commercial craze and the dang carols are so darn catchy and pass me the ribbon because kids, ya know? But while I’m doing that, and sipping some vino, I’ll also be listening to Part 2 of UFO Cults because I want to wrap my brain around this lever of control and I want to expand my understanding of all THIS. The post comes at the heels of Mathew’s conversation with Gabriel from Libre Solutions which only recently having caught up with, filled in many gaps in my understanding. Watching them riff off of each other is also pretty remarkable.

And so I was extra thrilled to join Gabriel and friends Liam and Margaret for another Digital Autonomy in the Arts conversation.

Substack is wonderful for enabling access to the minds and talents of unique thinkers and creators and I am overjoyed to be a part of this ecosphere. We got to discuss AI and art and war and unique gift ideas, and even managed to sneak in more collaboration potential. Coming soon!

And lastly, on a random monday a couple of weeks ago, I got the opportunity to fill a spot in the Rounding the Earth podcast. I put my youngest to bed without a hitch, I managed a quick shower. I even prepared notes, you guys! I wanted to talk about all this woo woo in the Matrix because that was now inexplicably butting up against me wanted me to engage with its mysteries… and as fortune should have it, one of the twins woke up from a nap with a fever. I tended to him and I jumped in the stream but in my haste, instead of expanding my notes, I clicked out of them. With hundreds of tabs open and the countdown reaching the end, I tried winging it all from my chaoting brain. I don’t suggest you watch, but posting here for posterity, so here is that malarkey of mine:

For sharing the UFO highlight reel, here are some options:






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