Interesting topics!

Robert Anton Wilson's review of an interesting book on the UFO phenomena.

"Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur examines UFOs and a wide variety of “paranormal” phenomena from a rather unique angle. Although Harpur never fully defines the daimonic—“the daimonic that can be defined is not the true daimonic,” as Lao-Tse would say—it seems to exist both inside us and outside us. Like the Greek daemon and unlike the Christian demon, it takes both good/healing and bad/terrifying forms, depending on our commitment to rationalistic ego states.

In a sense, the daimonic is like the collective unconscious of Carl Jung, inside us as a part of our total self that the ego wishes to deny, outside us in all the other humans who ever existed and in the dreams, myths, and arts of all the world. But Harpur follows Irish poet (and Golden Dawn alumnus) W. B. Yeats as often as he follows Jung, and traces some of his ideas back to Giordano Bruno and the alchemical/hermetic mystics of the Renaissance. The daimonic is just a bit more personalized and individualized than Jung’s species unconscious.

Harpur’s major thesis is that unless we recognize the daimonic (make friends with it, Jung would say) it takes increasingly malignant and terrifying forms. For instance, the Greys of UFO abduction lore, he says, are deliberately mirroring our ego-centered and “scientistic” age—showing no emotions of the humans they experiment upon, just as the ideal science student feels no emotion and has no concern with the emotions of the animal being tortured in his laboratory."

Despite dealing with many subjects common to conspiracy theories, this book does not quite fit into that category. We are the conspirators, so to speak. We have repressed the most creative part of ourselves and now it is escaping in terrifying forms."

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Looking forward to listening! When my youngest was little, I was writing and one paragraph from the end of my first chapter in Subversive Housewives. She woke up with a fever and I left to nurse her back to sleep, leaving my laptop open. The cat slept on the keyboard because it was warm, depressing the delete key, and then managed to hit 'save'. No matter what I did, it was gone, gone, gone. So I feels ya.

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I'm a "woo girl" myself (bein' annuther thespian an' sich) an' I liked the lil' "visual synopsis" ya did--SO many good things ta see, so little time, right? But when it comes ta aliens I too drarw a line in the sand. Saucers were all "soived" (mit afternoon tea) by the paperclip Nazis, drugged up patsies brought underground (all them tunnels) gotta MKUltra milkshake an' sawr aliens (as did others like Monarch "slaves") when really it wuz some dandy hollyweird FX. Props, costumes, makeup, all a script. But folks is "fer real" skeered of this stuff. I'm'a seein' it as a "rilly big shew"--Project Bluebeam's gonna be a doozie if they pull it off. I could be wrong a' course but I'm kinda flexible so I kin expand the tin crackpot if needed... Besides all that, I LOVE all them stories--adore sci-fi too! I guess tho, when it comes down to it--I'll stick with Melies "Trip to the Moon" an' Wallace & Gromit's "Grand Day Out"--both delicious! (if ya like "moon cheese" ;-)

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Jan 4Liked by Visceral Adventure

Damn you Tonika!! Now I’m in the rabbit hole too. Fascinating discussion. The Scientology bit at about 1:24 that RTE Matthew opens is mind blowing. Curious about where RFK fits into this crowd. Also makes me feel a little bit suckered as I’ve started to lean “nouveau pagan“ over the last few years :-).

This is all fun to think about and... also... really? Do I need to give these rich twats any more of my energy and attention than the bits they stole with years of propaganda and mind control?

I’ve been reflecting recently on those old Godzilla movies from when I was a kid. Particularly the scenes from the perspective of the police officers. Watching these leviathans tower over and destroy their city doing battle with one another. That’s how I feel about corporate persons these days. Self interested leviathans tramping on us plebs in their way to gif knows where. Japan was 30-40 years ahead of the rest of us in refining their corporatism so seen through that lens those movies were an apt metaphor for what the people on the ground were experiencing.

Hope you had a good new year sister. 🙏

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Tonika! I am so BUGGED that my not-helpful email sorter decided this should go to junk mail so I am only finding it today. 😠

On the flipside, at least I found it!! I've got my mother-in-law visiting for a week (pray for me) so it may take me a bit to watch these, but I'm so excited!! Bring on the WOO. xox

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Oooo, this was SO good. Thank You 🙏

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What a time! Look at what we're sussing these days? What might be next and how will that turn the invisible kaleidoscope of our shared 'reality' that reshuffles everything yet again? I love the ongoing re-contextualization that's happening across our planet and this will continue, faster and faster. A time for holding all models 'lightly'.

Thanks, Tonika. Look forward to next installment. Best.

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yup, I have this image of a starless summer nite cuz the sky's so brite! blankets on the grass, popcorn, lemonade, an' "front row seats" wherever ya' are... 4th of July meets Close Encounters on a rillly big screen! I just hope they don't pull some "techie" Medusa effect fer us sceptics (like tryin' ta turn us ta stone via lunar hypnosis 'er something else devious...)

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oh no!!!!!! (I hope we saved our "eeee-clips" viewin' glasses... we had the cheap paper ones!--mebbe not good enuf tho...?)

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