Yes yes yes!!! I did it!!! I finished the memelanche!

Now I can close this tab. And when (and if) I ever close the other 24, I can see my desktop again with all the memes I've saved to slip into a future episode.

Thank you my dear apocalyptonika!

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🏆 👏 👏 👏 thank you for sticking it out!! Wow! 😍😍😍

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burping up out of my haze of groggy satisfaction with this onslaught of ironies and kynetics the words of my old dad pop into my head, somewhat non-sequitorily: "Not many people know that a discovered contradiction needs to be protected against apologetic explanations reducing it to mere conflict."

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Well, quite appropriate when it comes to memes, me thinks. 😆

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Quite possibly the most thorough and accurate assessment made of any year in history. (She says, halfway through it. She WILL finish!!)

The Ayn Rand Valentine poem undid me, natch...😂

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Please don’t feel obligated to finish! I can’t believe how many of them there are. (And how many ended up on the cutting room floor!) hope however many you get through, it helps alleviate some back pain.

Any Rand! 😂 memes for the learnéd amongst us.

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No obligation felt! Just delight! xox

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I made it through the whole thing -- best meme collection I've ever seen!

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😍😍😍 Thank you for making it through and for saying that!!

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Started this and I will finish one day! Happy New Year dear Tonika, looking forward to all the great things you will bring in 2025! N, xo

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Thank you, darlin’! And the same to you! I know you’ve been incubating the good stuff!

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Wow! I opened this post two days ago and I've only just come out.... Can't say I wasn't warned 😂. Now my kids are asking me PLEASE not to send them anymore memes. Nice work you! I've had a great laugh

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Hahahahaha! If kids are saying stop, we got problems. I don’t know if I expected anyone to finish the whole thing and there is two of you that have and that has made me feel like all the work I’ve put into it has been worth it. 💓

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It's my year's worth of memes in one hit 😂 and also how I catch up on what has happened in the world…. With the right perspective of course!

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That first vid is Derrick Jensen, yes? One of my heroes. I'm picking a few for my NY post in a bit. Glad I'll be keeping this handy for future reference.

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You know I’m not sure. It was a long video I was listening to while cleaning about a book he had written. I remember stopping and clipping this part out but I can’t find the original video nor did I write down where it was from. Saved it to my meme folder and went on my merry way. I wish I had saved the entire video.

Looking forward to your NY post!

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wow.. a tour de force!!! many many laugh out loud moments. Some were rather depressing(ly accurate). One or two recalled some bad memories (1/2 democrats wanting unvaxxed in camps). A spectacular collection, thank you for putting it together for us.

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Thank you for making it through!! 🏆

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I surrender! Tons of great memes but I'm overwhelmed with life and only had time to make it through a fraction of them!

I'm inclined to agree with Tereza... this needs to be bookmarked for future referral!

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I didn’t finish last year’s, and regret it.

Must. Finish. This. Year’s. Memelance.

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I’m under your damn spell!

Look whatt you’ve done to me.


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Please don’t feel obligated to finish! I appreciate you taking a gander, John. Happy New Year, friend!

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Tonika, that was AMAZING! I am so happy and thankful that you did this for us again this year. I genuinely burst out laughing at so many points.

Also...I made that Julian Assange meme...it was the first meme I ever made LOL. Happy to see people like it.

Thanks again and many happy returns.

Edit: OMG I just tried to show the family the memes (they're older) and it was a disaster. I even showed them the animal ones as 'entry level meming.' Y older pipo not in2 da memes.

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😂 my ma isn’t into ‘em either. Too low brow for them? I dunno. I think in her case it’s because I spent so much time organizing them that she hates them by proxy for “me wasting my time”. 🤷‍♀️

That Assange meme is 🔥 I don’t remember where I steal the memes from but I’m so glad you made it. Incidentally, there has been zero Assange news since. 👀

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There was a fluff article about him going to the beach with his family. https://www.merimbulanewsweekly.com.au/story/8704289/julian-assange-enjoys-family-beach-day-after-14-year-legal-battle/

And I wrote an article about his October speech in the EU: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/cia-drew-up-plans-to-kidnap-and-to

But other than that nothing really. Australia has strict laws about profiting from 'proceeds of crime' so he probably has very serious conditions around his release. Or maybe he cbf.

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Thank you for transcribing his whole speech. I had missed it and your article (and your shout out, thank you!) - it’s quite powerful. There has been very little about Assange in the media (or alt media). I thought it was because he just wanted to go and enjoy a civilian life with his family, he has been robbed of enough. Strange that he chose to go back to AU after all this. There has to be a sense of betrayal from all the 5 eye countries. But I suppose living in the den of vipers might offer more protection, ironically, than in some obscure place where once found, he and his family might be taken out very easily by some rando for hire without anyone blinking an eye.

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You're welcome. It was hard work transcribing this, but of course nothing compared to what he and others went through for Collateral Damage.

Yeah, there is no safety here, but there is no safety anywhere. No one escapes the DOD/5Eyes/Mossad. It's always a question if the juice is worth the squeeze.

He would have sold an immense amount for his freedom. I really shudder to think about the position he is in. Some very, very, bad people were involved in his release.

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Absolutely. No judgement. I imagine it was a hard deal to make especially knowing how it was going to be spun.

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There are a lot of things I would like to write about but decided not to.

They made a fine example out of Australians who go after the DOD.

And people wonder why I am banned from X.

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Interesting... I'm an "older person" and I love the memes. Not all of them, a lot are crap, but there also is an overwhelming number of amazing / awesome ones!

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My app has had a ridiculously difficult time loading this, which I’m going to assume is due to one or both of the quantity and spiciness of the memes about to be lanched, so I’m getting in early with a comment before Substack crashes on me again 🥳

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😂 it’s not loading up for me in the phone either. The volume (and spice) might only be handled by a computer. Happy New Year, Isaac! 🤗

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Hours later, and from the position of the slider bar, it looks like I'm close to halfway through. Happy to hear the various protocols got together and kicked that cancer's ass. Please continue.

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Yes, been rough but got through the hump, with your help, of course! I appreciate the kindness and gifts you sent my way. Medicines were clutch!

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P.S. I loved the video of the woman in her car ranting about logging in! :)

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😂 I also relate!

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Tonika! Please tell me you started this last January! I have to come back...ditto what Tereza said. This is brilliant, and honestly, the laughs are way better than any dumb fake NYE party. Good call telling people to read it on their computer (I always do!)

You are funny and smart and have a big heart to boot. XOXO

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😂 I should have started in January!

Thinking of you in your cabin amidst your fairytale and sending you giant squeezes! 🤗

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I'm probably a quarter through - love this collection. (This is actually where mandates make sense - if only I could compel my normie friends to read this!) Literally lol 3 times already. Treasure-trove.

Thank you for the lightness and laugher and the abundant 'fucks' of course. (Sometime it is the ONLY word.)

What a ride 2024 was, and yeah, ready to say adios, but many positives too. New friends and your cancer-free outcome to name only a couple!

Wishing you soooo many good things, Tonika, in 2025! ❤️

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Thank you, dear Kathleen! And same to you! We got through 2024, some good, some bad, mostly hard, but I got high hopes for 2025. To all the fucks! Cheers! 🥂 💓 🥰

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Just brilliant!

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