burping up out of my haze of groggy satisfaction with this onslaught of ironies and kynetics the words of my old dad pop into my head, somewhat non-sequitorily: "Not many people know that a discovered contradiction needs to be protected against apologetic explanations reducing it to mere conflict."
burping up out of my haze of groggy satisfaction with this onslaught of ironies and kynetics the words of my old dad pop into my head, somewhat non-sequitorily: "Not many people know that a discovered contradiction needs to be protected against apologetic explanations reducing it to mere conflict."
burping up out of my haze of groggy satisfaction with this onslaught of ironies and kynetics the words of my old dad pop into my head, somewhat non-sequitorily: "Not many people know that a discovered contradiction needs to be protected against apologetic explanations reducing it to mere conflict."
Well, quite appropriate when it comes to memes, me thinks. ЁЯШЖ