Holy moly cannoli, what a crazy ride this year has been! We had it all: eclipses, assassinations, elections, UFOs, exploding pagers, coups, Diddy, devastating hurricanes, a dead Rothschild, a six-digit Bitcoin, and so much more, along with a general rebranding of politics and movements, the dewokification of America, and the move to make this country healthy again. Speaking of which, on a personal note, my own journey of being diagnosed with cancer, flipping conventional standard of care off, and healing from cancer, all within one year! Whew! 2024, don’t let the doorknob hit ya where the good lord split ya!
My Substack algorithm indicates that my End of Year in Memelanche Review posts are pretty popular, and I don’t know how much anybody has been anticipating this gluttonous memes post, but I must offer a sad admission: I’ve spent over 100 accumulative hours compiling, organizing, reformatting, and uploading memes. Your girl is spent. So, if you’ve been expecting this, strap in.
This post will be entirely too long for email, so you might have to view it online or in the app. But I suggest using your computer because I pained greatly to format for best viewing pleasure. I will do my best to section it off with appropriate subheaders so you can go in and out as you choose. I beg you, avoid meme-binging. Even a good thing can be poisonous in excess. But if you’re looking to gorge yourself, well…
So, you know what to do…
Don’t know about you guys, but the year, for me, started pretty idealistic…
…only to end up challenging all my life choices.

Trigger Warning: some of these memes are NSFW. If you’re offended by certain words, don’t go any further. Filter being lifted in 3…
Blast off!

Now that we have broken the digital meme cherry - let’s dig in, shall we?
2024 seemed like it was going to be alright at first.

But it wasn’t long before the BS started to rear its stinky head.
You started kicking yourself for thinking this year was going to be different.

And before long, you were back on your
You find yourself constantly derailing conversations.

And I really do try to explain it in a way that would be understood.

But oftentimes, a proper conspiracy theorist is met with derision, disbelief, and distrust.

And no amount of the obvious helps.

Yet you are compelled to keep trying!

Because you remember that not too long ago, you, too, were a normie plugged into the Matrix and required a nudge to wake you up. And yes, sometimes those nudges aren’t very nice as they shake your cognitive dissonance and square up your beliefs. Sometimes, they mock and deride.

And sometimes you offer genuine advice or the wise words of others that came before: the world has always been full of dark conspiracies, people who have refused to believe in them, and people who have seen through the bullshit.

We can only hope that all NPCs grab hold of their own storylines, and in the meantime, we’ll keep providing those swift kicks in the rear. The memes will continue until main character syndrome is achieved.

But silence really isn’t an option.

And to be honest, no better time to speak up than now, since the track record for conspiracies has never been higher.

Now, some may ask, how big of a conspiracy theorist are you? Well…

Generally, it’s high fun to try and decipher the nature of reality, lift the veil of illusion, and find camaraderie among others who do the same.

Normal is for the birds.

It’s a constant reminder that you can withstand the tide of times.
No matter what you get exposed to.
After all, it helps you get prepared.
And sure, we can get pretty stupid…

But there’s a tinge of truth in it all, no?

So whether it’s the Epstein rabbit hole…

Or the government…
…through the surveillance and censorship…

It’s important to remember one thing:
And that even dumb conspiracies can lead you to certain epiphanies.
And while we’re here, why not take a look at how obtuse our government can be? After all, this memelanche is just beginning.
While most of the governmental functions are dumb as hell…

…there are some truly awful ones too.

…funded by the labour of our own energy via taxation…

And boy, do some of us learn that lesson early.
But Governments take it to a whole new level! And for what?
Please, ain’t nobody got time for this shit.

Besides, it’s terribly asymmetrical…
…and futile.
But Americans be flexing around the world. Declaring war on all sorts of elusive enemies with various degrees of invisibility such as the war on terror, the war on viruses…
But let’s face it: our reality is so twisted, how much worse can it possibly get with the occasional use of recreational

And don’t you get judgy…

You’d be surprised how innovative someone can get with the help of some mind-bending substance.
But stoned or sober, my stance on government remains:

What is the alternative, you ask?
My dear friends, I’m not into labels these days, but ‘collaborative anarchist’ I welcome with open arms.

There are some folks out there definitely ding their part within the paradigm that exists.
Being an anarchist is easier than you think. Start small. Just think about it. Deeply.
Because you must be as tired as I am from all the tomfoolery and shenanigans. Every time the heat gets turned up, there is some new current thing that overtakes the mental space.

Or some fallen icon who ends up being the sacrificial goat that peels eyeballs away from some globalist failure.
But compared to the rest of the months, January was pretty chill.
So, let’s move on to
The month is known for being the shortest all the while cramming Black History Month in schools across America, and for Valentine’s Day and Groundhog Day.

This February, we saw the fall of grace of Fani “Gimme a G” Willis.
And we said goodbye to a globalist.
Oh, you know, those silly Malthusian-loving psychopaths that so zealously decide the future for the rest of humanity while exhibiting illusions of grandeur and complete lack of awareness of their own folly.

Let’s rag on them for a bit, shall we?

Because they do pose a very real threat.

And they know exactly how to get us worked up against one another so we don’t notice them.
But some of us notice anyway.

To tip the scales in their favour, they might employ the

And not just legacy media, but social media too…

Although, admittedly, social media can be fun once in a while.
Even if it’s formulaic
And induces Dorothy level commentary.

We’re onto the propaganda levers…

…and respond with more dank memes.
To meme or not to meme? Is there even a question?

With spring around the corner, events started coming at us pretty fast. It was a pretty head-spinning
It began with warmonger Nuland stepping down.

Boeing started having some major issues,
and we had some bridge collapses which, to be honest, were pretty indicative of our state of affairs,
(For the record, I’m certainly not offering solutions here, I can certainly disparage other isms just as well.)
then, the Royals dominated the airwaves and digital real estate for awhile,

followed up by Diddy stealing the crown with his Epsteinesque schema.

A rare glimpse of the public inside how pop culture and the shadow government are enmeshed and since we’re here, let’s do a few memes on

Some of these might require a bit of prior context but I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem for any Gen Xer.

Even though I’m perfectly aware of the ol’ divide and conquer employed by the globalists, the generation compartmentalization tends to appeal to me; it’s the right sort of flattery for Gen X, specifically. I mean, we are the coolest generation, there’s no sense fighting it.

Each generation has its thing, of course.

We would all do better to take note that time is fleeting.

It’s just that certain generations do better with the tide of times. Take the wokification of America, for example. Gen X wants to be left alone, wants anyone to have the right to be left alone, yes, even trans folk, but once you force them to add pronouns in their bylines, they’ll blink deadpan once or twice, and now you have the most adaptable people on this planet spending too much time talking about other people’s junk. They’ll start looking deeper into the issue, researching how .01% of the human species might have the mental health condition referred to as gender dysphoria and how the last time we tried fixing a mental issue with surgery was in the 50s with a little procedure called lobotomy, and wondering does no one remember how well that turned out?
But listen, let trans folk do their thing. There is no hate coming from me. But let’s recognize that being trans (within its own definition, a word that means non-permanent) is not an immutable characteristic. And if you’re asking for special treatment based on a quality that anyone can utilize and exploit for their own, perhaps we should sit down at the table and figure this shit out instead of screaming past each other.

Anyone can dress and behave however they like as long as it isn’t harming anyone, but demanding that people accept you as you wish to be accepted has to come with the understanding that your identity is a negotiation between you and society. Having said all that, let’s poke the hornet’s nest a bit.

And just so women don’t feel left out, let’s have feminism take a seat too.

See, it’s not that I’m a woman and still find these funny in an ingratiating way. It’s just that I’m a Gen Xer, and this genuinely tickles my funny bone. So does this:
I also refused to eat land animals for ten years, but I find memes about vegetarians objectively funny.
We don’t have to be so sensitive and we certainly can discuss issues without making someone else responsible for our feelings.
Let’s see, who haven’t we offended yet?

Let’s dewokify everything. Funnier when you can freely offend everyone.

If you need any more convincing, check out what AI is spitting out and you might start to see the problem here.
And since we’re on the subject of AI, I would be remiss not to drop some savage memes about tech. Love it or hate it…
…is here to stay.

There are some serious implications, I know.

But you must admit that you’re secretly frustrated about having to log in and out of all the things and remember all the passwords…

It’s enough to swear off technology and run to the hills.

But ironically, where else can you get the robot sex memes?

Too crude? Ok, fine, then, memes about human dating, courting and

My own dating preferences lean towards the conspiracy types, which, I suppose, is apropos.

And this random one for good measure to transition into our next theme:
I’ll start with cats because even if you’re not a cat person, you can relate to these:




Other undomesticated animals:

Extinct animals:

And mythical creatures:

But let’s return to our chronological sequence for the time being and see what happened in
As far as holidays, outside of the occasional Easter and April Fool’s, the month is pretty quiet.
But 2024 also had the eclipse and it simply has to make our list of notable happenings!
What did ramp up this year, however, was politics. It was, after all, an election year. I’ll ease into it all, but just so no one misunderstands, I do not subscribe to any political affiliation. I was certain that the Dems were going to lose, well, because they deserved to lose, but the Reps also had the whiff of winning about them, ya know? Either way, I consider it all theatre so here’s a bunch of memes about

Who said politics isn’t funny?!?
Somehow I think we all know how all this overreach, propaganda, and manipulation ends.

Since 2024 was, indeed, an election year, I’ll save more ghastly memes to pepper throughout, but for now, let’s move on to
In which the Republicans gloated over the dismissal of the court case arguing the electability of Trump and the Democrats had to deal with folks rubbing TDS in their face.
He might have had some wins, but Trump also had some personal tragedies.
RFK Jr was still looking pretty good in the polls,
Across the pond, the Royals were determined to convince everyone they tangoed with Satan,
And the rest of us…well…
Alright, then.
It was the quiet before the storm. The Hawktuah Girl entered the game
(she also had a terrible exit, but we’ll save that for December) and Assange was released (making everyone wonder what kind of Faustian Deal he had to make)

I thought
But in addition to dealing with medical issues and financial suffocation, I had my TikTok account banned for being a conspiracy theorist.
June was heating up!
The end of the month brought us the presidential debates between Biden and Trump and things moved really fast from there. But let’s take a moment for Biden here and all the blue voters who finally caught up with the fact that their chosen pony was a senile septuagenarian whose failing state couldn’t be propped up by a lying cabinet and media any longer.

Also, it was getting silly because the nation wasn’t sure which Biden they were looking at while some didn’t want to believe there might have been lied to for years.
By the time
rolled around, even with the 4th’s BBQs and fire works
there were too many mistakes to be overlooked,

but one event that catapulted Trump upwards and sealed Biden’s fate. The attempted