You do just fine, Angela. I can understand you. And agreed, cancer has been more prevalent in my life, with young people and with thin people too. My dad was in his 70s but healthy and vibrant. He took the jabs (inexplicably!) in the lowest vax uptake country in the EU - Bulgaria. He was diagnosed and died within nine months. I didn’t get the chance to see him and it still pains me. 😢
You do just fine, Angela. I can understand you. And agreed, cancer has been more prevalent in my life, with young people and with thin people too. My dad was in his 70s but healthy and vibrant. He took the jabs (inexplicably!) in the lowest vax uptake country in the EU - Bulgaria. He was diagnosed and died within nine months. I didn’t get the chance to see him and it still pains me. 😢
Oh dear! I am so sorry! That is unreasonable.... My dad is 91 by now and took four doses (!) (in 2021 following) after having been vaccine-critical and not having had a single one in 40 or 50 or 60 years. After the shots he got a heart attack- totally sound and thin and having eaten sound and having had daily excercise for at least equally long in the past, after the operation (where they shot him down unneccessarily with tranqulisers) he got a delir, fell and hit his head, by now his slight dementia is increasing, ah well, I forgot, he had a Gürtelrose (??) as well, all the typical side effects of it. In the following months after all that he quit his sound eating, his motion, is watching TV daily with his partner (who/ which surely made him do all of this) and - getting ever more forgetfull.... Well.. SAD is not an approprate word.... !!
Steering with guided/ induced emoition. Is the key. Rationaliity and the age of enlightenment seem to be over.....
Ok, I’ve gathered some resources but it would be better if I email them. How can I contact you? If you’re receiving this as a newsletter, can you reply to one of my emails and I’ll connect from there?
I have sent zwo mejls, they seemed to go through. Otherwise it is not possible to answer to the newsletter, only if i copy the mailadress you sent from. But maybe it does not work either even if i have not got a failure-message?
I have a friend who had a mother with dementia who is seeing progress with diet. Let me look at some of the resources she’s dropped and I’ll link them here.
You do just fine, Angela. I can understand you. And agreed, cancer has been more prevalent in my life, with young people and with thin people too. My dad was in his 70s but healthy and vibrant. He took the jabs (inexplicably!) in the lowest vax uptake country in the EU - Bulgaria. He was diagnosed and died within nine months. I didn’t get the chance to see him and it still pains me. 😢
Oh dear! I am so sorry! That is unreasonable.... My dad is 91 by now and took four doses (!) (in 2021 following) after having been vaccine-critical and not having had a single one in 40 or 50 or 60 years. After the shots he got a heart attack- totally sound and thin and having eaten sound and having had daily excercise for at least equally long in the past, after the operation (where they shot him down unneccessarily with tranqulisers) he got a delir, fell and hit his head, by now his slight dementia is increasing, ah well, I forgot, he had a Gürtelrose (??) as well, all the typical side effects of it. In the following months after all that he quit his sound eating, his motion, is watching TV daily with his partner (who/ which surely made him do all of this) and - getting ever more forgetfull.... Well.. SAD is not an approprate word.... !!
Steering with guided/ induced emoition. Is the key. Rationaliity and the age of enlightenment seem to be over.....
😢 I truly hope he recovers. So so sorry.
Recover from dementia?
Is that possible?! I'd be happy to hear how!
Ok, I’ve gathered some resources but it would be better if I email them. How can I contact you? If you’re receiving this as a newsletter, can you reply to one of my emails and I’ll connect from there?
I have sent zwo mejls, they seemed to go through. Otherwise it is not possible to answer to the newsletter, only if i copy the mailadress you sent from. But maybe it does not work either even if i have not got a failure-message?
I didn’t get it. Email me at and I’ll reply from my regular email.
I have a friend who had a mother with dementia who is seeing progress with diet. Let me look at some of the resources she’s dropped and I’ll link them here.