Ok, I’ve gathered some resources but it would be better if I email them. How can I contact you? If you’re receiving this as a newsletter, can you reply to one of my emails and I’ll connect from there?
Ok, I’ve gathered some resources but it would be better if I email them. How can I contact you? If you’re receiving this as a newsletter, can you reply to one of my emails and I’ll connect from there?
I have sent zwo mejls, they seemed to go through. Otherwise it is not possible to answer to the newsletter, only if i copy the mailadress you sent from. But maybe it does not work either even if i have not got a failure-message?
Ok, I’ve gathered some resources but it would be better if I email them. How can I contact you? If you’re receiving this as a newsletter, can you reply to one of my emails and I’ll connect from there?
I have sent zwo mejls, they seemed to go through. Otherwise it is not possible to answer to the newsletter, only if i copy the mailadress you sent from. But maybe it does not work either even if i have not got a failure-message?
I didn’t get it. Email me at junktrunkchunk@gmail.com and I’ll reply from my regular email.