Sep 2Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin, Visceral Adventure

Comin' up fer air belatedly (long story) an' ketchin' up on thousands of unread emails (posts, etc) an' wanted ta share my commints (from Mary's site) here'bouts too as this is too fine an effort ta go without some kudos! So I'm'a gonna repaste it here:

This was tee-riffic ladies! Well done in every way--the delivery was pitch perfect Mary! (or mebbe "itch perfect" as yer poise in' pointin' up all the dumb things goin' on--an' cumulatively agglomerated--gave me quite the itch!--won't say whar!) Tonika, yer visuaals were "poifect" too-- Most shockin'ly--I too had no idear 'bout the Declaration of DEpendence--talk about a mark of SHAME. I did know that the Federalists who maintained loyalties to the Crown included John Q Adams & Alexander Hamilton (of B'way fame). Thomas Jefferson comes out as a good guy in this battle as did NY Gov. Clinton. So I knew that some of our foundin' "fathers" were a mite traitorous from the git-go. Likely their "John Handcocks" are on that hidden document.

Been ta Fraunces Tavern many a time with my goils-- larned THAT's whar George gathered his team ta plan the American Revolution. That something rotten got planned there too is kinda like a grease spot on the tuxedo bib... ew. So I do appreciate this bit've history too!

Bravo again--or shall we say, Huzzah!

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😂 thanks, Daisy! Really appreciate you taking the time and the comment. I’m way behind on your posts myself. It’s just that I tend to listen to articles since I multitask with the kids and yours are impossible to have the Substack generator orate because of the puns. 😆 so I can’t cheat and actually have to read them.

Love to you and the kin. I hope fall winds down the stress. What a summer it’s been!

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lol, whatta hoot 'bout the substack AI orator not bein' able ta figger me out! I do so much visual I guess that's double good tho' I know it means more time ya gotta take ta peek-- I listen ta some viddeyos at double time! I hear ya!

xos back at'cha--oh yup, whatta summer indeed--hope things simmered down in Chi-Town--I sawr photos of the streets blocked off an' thought it looked like a war zone!

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Aug 6Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin, Visceral Adventure

Another great collaboration Tonika... they're positively leaping out of you!

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I was inspired when I had all that convalescing time on my hands in TJ! Looking forward to when your collab drops too! :)

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Ooh... can't wait!

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Aug 5Liked by Visceral Adventure

Great job Tonika!

Hope you are doing well.

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Thank you, Michael! Enjoying life, certainly. It’s all we got.

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Aug 5Liked by Visceral Adventure

Great to hear it. Yes, it sure is all we got.

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Aug 5Liked by Visceral Adventure

And every day precious.

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Tonika, soup to nuts this collaboration was a joy. You are so damn talented -- we all can see that; it's ridiculously evident -- yet you're also humble and receptive to new ideas. Oh, and you're chill AF, too. What more could an artist ask for? (BTW that Philip K. Dick quote is a gem.)

I thank you from every inch of my overflowing heart, and I thank whatever divine hand of fate that placed us on colliding paths. (Ooh, does that mean I have to thank covid?? I think it might! 😱)

Here's to a successful virtual "opening night," and to any future collaborations you dream up; I'm all in, always. Big Love, dear friend! xox

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🤣🤣🤣 'Twas covid, indeed, that we need to thank, but I'd like to think the universe would have found a way to connect us no matter what. A strong thread like that doesn't just not manifest in reality and I'm all about making more magic with you in whatever shape it takes form. Love you, my dear!

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I love that concept. I'd like to think that, too.

Hey, I just looked up some info on Flow My Tears... Wow. I can see why it was so significant in your life. I've never read it, but I think I need to. Do you think there's anything we could do with it? And I'm fine taking that convo off line, on another day...

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Yeah, I’d say that play is more topical today than it was a couple of decades ago. We can brainstorm off line. Could be quite the endeavor.

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin, Visceral Adventure

Excellent! Humans are weird.

"Bigger is always better" {laugh} Good one!

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Mary has a bunch of gems in there!

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Aug 5Liked by Visceral Adventure

She does! Too many to even comment on!

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Aug 4Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin, Visceral Adventure

I had never seen that quotation from Philip k Dick before - that just nails it.

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This is why language is so important! This is why they kept changing the definitions of things in 2020/2021.

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Yes! Exactly.

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Aug 4Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin, Visceral Adventure

The video was awesome btw... just brilliant!

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Humble thanks 🙏

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Aug 4Liked by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin, Visceral Adventure

Happened to just finish watching this from Mary's stack - what a fabulous collaboration, Tonika!

If this is what talented folks with a message for our times get up to, I'm feeling good about our future. Congratulations. Just fantastic! Loved it! Thank you, thank you.

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Aw, yay, so glad to get your stamp of approval. I have lots of hope for the future myself. 🧚

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