This is a quick note to link to my dear friend, fellow theatre nerd, and grand Substacker Mary McLaughlin, whose talents I simply needed to bask in for a spell.
I caught up on a few collaborations while in Tijuana so this month might be more videos and less writing. I do need to rerack and also catch up on some remaining music videos and trailers for your viewing pleasure based on some stackers who bring the goods. But I am so tickled that Mary posted this today. Under the direction of Sara Valentine, her snark lingered perfectly in the air like the cigarette smoke of a 1920’s speakeasy - thick and yet, mysteriously alluring.
Thanks for taking a gander. It’s 15 minutes long and instead of uploading it here, I’m linking it below so you can (hopefully) visit Mary’s stack and follow her always insightful writing.
And since this is somewhat a theatre-related post, I thought it apropos to post this quote by Phillip K. Dick, best known for Bladerunner and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? but he will forever be seared in my brain for one of the first plays I ever volunteered my set painting skills, Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, a completely underrated work and way ahead of its time.
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Comin' up fer air belatedly (long story) an' ketchin' up on thousands of unread emails (posts, etc) an' wanted ta share my commints (from Mary's site) here'bouts too as this is too fine an effort ta go without some kudos! So I'm'a gonna repaste it here:
This was tee-riffic ladies! Well done in every way--the delivery was pitch perfect Mary! (or mebbe "itch perfect" as yer poise in' pointin' up all the dumb things goin' on--an' cumulatively agglomerated--gave me quite the itch!--won't say whar!) Tonika, yer visuaals were "poifect" too-- Most shockin'ly--I too had no idear 'bout the Declaration of DEpendence--talk about a mark of SHAME. I did know that the Federalists who maintained loyalties to the Crown included John Q Adams & Alexander Hamilton (of B'way fame). Thomas Jefferson comes out as a good guy in this battle as did NY Gov. Clinton. So I knew that some of our foundin' "fathers" were a mite traitorous from the git-go. Likely their "John Handcocks" are on that hidden document.
Been ta Fraunces Tavern many a time with my goils-- larned THAT's whar George gathered his team ta plan the American Revolution. That something rotten got planned there too is kinda like a grease spot on the tuxedo bib... ew. So I do appreciate this bit've history too!
Bravo again--or shall we say, Huzzah!
Another great collaboration Tonika... they're positively leaping out of you!