ketchin' up (muey bee-hind as usu'usal)--eeks hope it's a bit warmer than -7 out by you--it's been cold as a witch's u know what here'bouts too (also under ZERO!)... Glad yer warmin' up yer creative juices (with 'er without an electric burner)--I enjoyed both of them music viddeyos! Wull the first one perhaps "enjoy" is not quite right given the dark 'n dystopian atmosphere but let's say "I creeped to it!" Sounds like ya gotta full plate which is GOOD! Agreein' with ya on Bobby Jr. I'm just WONDERIN' if it wuz strategy? (I.e. the just git the heck in an' THEN roll up the sleeves... or mebbe it'll be stealth at first--y'know git a proper VAERS an' then do a fake jaw drop--wow, guess this JAB wuz DEADLY?) IF none of this is true an' he's just CAVED I'll be sorely disappointed--but he's a smart feller an' has worked long years at speakin' up so there might be hope yet?! I like MABA--make america brave again! Also mine is even less ambitions--MASA make america solvent again... Cheers!

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Daisy!! Been a spell! Yes, keep warm up there, my friend. I actually love the winter because it provides good creative incubation time and less obligation to go out.

I hope you’re right about Bobby. But, all them Scientologist attached to the current administration is giving me the hibbee-jeebies.

Thanks for checking out the vids!

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yup, don't i know it re the current admin/regime! I think the "autists" are fake... like AI an' don't even exist... a fella supposedly right outta highskool with autism given top suck-your-itty clearance?! nah. methinks its' all a con... but I hold out fer Bobby ONLY b/c he spent a good deckaid helpin' all the autism mamas an' losin' fambly support an' his entire "former" regained rep as a lawyer... no small thing.... so I remain hopeful he's playin' the system an' not just cavin'... we shall see... (fwiw he's friendly with Marla Maples who JUST helped gitta good anti-chemtrail bill put forth in FlurryDa... I jus' posted 'bout it https://thcsofdaisymoses.substack.com/p/i-remember-sky-new-hope-fer-the-wild)

enjoy that "INK u BAIT'in" time!

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Thanks for the kind and thoughtful words. I'm a bit warmer than you right now as summer is still on but will get down to about minus 3 or 4 in the middle of our winter.

I hope Bobby goes as hard as he possibly can on this.

Later alligator

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For some reason o always thought AU is hot and even in winter time, you’d certainly never get snow. I feel totally daft. 🤦‍♀️

Toot-a-loo, kangaroo!

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Good god... you've encapsulated dystopia in the grimmest possible way. I hope this serves its intention to shake-awake the still-asleep. Well done, both of you. (I'm uber familiar with Tonika's wealth of talent, but I had no idea of yours, TG! Wow, is all I can say. And keep it coming...) xox

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Thank you Mary. The music industry is almost entirely dependent on the commerce of emotions. I have Normie friends who live the song and I hope it moves the needle.

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I hope so, too. "Commerce of emotions" sounds like the name of an album!

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Lyrics... link?

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This one has better commentary Re Watt/Latypova and you and EDAU have found. (Thanks for the pacific rim job exersize article too!) Macintyre is a bad dude.


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Raina Mac: more to come!

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very cool video!

I'm with you on the frustration of watching RFK talk about the vax stuff. I cant even believe we are still arguing about this, the vaccine-cult is still in full force, so many people STILL believe in the safe-and-effective mantra. Here in Canada, Alberta just released a massive report that concluded by saying the covid jabs should no longer be given to children or teens, and everyone is up in arms about it. WTF??

Meantime weather here in Quebec is in the deep freeze. Our temps are measured in Celsius, my weather site says things like " -20, feels like -28 ".

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I don't know how you Canadians do it. It was -22 C here last Tuesday and I was shuttling these Chinese actors around. his exact words were "We're gonna die here." 😂 And yeah, it was cold, but luckily back to balmy weather today. But you guys up there deal with these kinds of temps day after day after day. It's gotta make you resilient!

I saw that Alberta report. They're creaking the Overton Window just slightly, I guess? I'm going out to play Bingo with my son tonight wearing a pretty provocative T-shirt that says, "I survived Coronomania unmasked, uninjected, unafraid." I'll let you know how it goes.

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ha! That IS gutsy... can't wait to hear how it went!

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE your last line: "Make America Brave Again."

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Tonika. I haven't sufficiently expressed my gratitude to you as love. Here it is ❤️in pixelated emoji form.

Thank you for making this a visual experience for whoever watches it. You've done outstanding work and I am in your debt.

Artistry is tough. Writing songs that most people don't want to hear is hard, well actually the writing is easy but sharing is hard because you open yourself to deep cutting criticism and I'm fucking delicate - it's why I wore a mask longer than I knew I should! Your partnership with these two projects is more healing than you would know so again thank you thank you!

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Aw, I’m thrilled you invited me to come play, TG. And seriously, nothing wrong with being fucking delicate as an artist. The artist’s superpower is his vulnerability. It’s pretty brave to wear you heart on your sleeve in a dangerous world. Keep writing them powerful messages and whenever I can, I’d do my best to amplify. 🙏

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You're a very talented video editor. I loved Alzan's music video where he includes ordinary people unlike the overproduced, ridiculously expensive videos filmed in Miami with half naked women (fake boobs, fake azz, fake nails, fake hair, fake eyelashes). And the camera angles were nice.

AI reminds me of cortisone shots - a double edge sword. It can be good and it can be bad. I've seen AI created videos that portrays people doing and saying things that never happened (bad). One of my techy boys wants to use AI to enhance videos from his childhood (good). It's fun to watch the various ways that AI is used.

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I struggle with my relationship with AI, Gata. If you’re in the arts, AI is a threat worth paying attention to. I have many friends that sever ties on sight. And I get it- we thought robots will wash our dishes while we finally have the time to paint, but instead, robots are writing poetry and we’re toiling away folding laundry (which, incidentally, is my favourite chore: I contemplate all of life’s possibilities while folding, lol). But what I tell my fellow artists is that AI is a tool: learn to yield it and you can still be the generator for the idea while AI is the labourer.

Yes on Alzan’s video! He asked his friends to contribute videos from their phones and it was insta-authentic. Especially nice that they were from all over the world. My family made it in there too (the kid that goes up in the camera’s face in the Christmas clip is my youngest.)

Thank you for taking a gander, as always! 🤗

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Haunting depiction but real😫

Check this out and discover the mechanisms of the Kill Switch in each of us. If only this were science fiction. https://open.substack.com/pub/francesleader/p/cliff-carnicom-blood-alterations?r=dyhz7&utm_medium=ios

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Thank you

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That packed a powerful punch and yet even as I was absorbed in it couldn't stop wondering where on earth you got the time and energy to do what you do?

Tonika, impressive in so many ways.

And yes, creative individuals are still out there. As was just evidenced!

Thanks to you both, for this.

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Thank you, Kathleen! I brought my laptop with me to work and in between shuttling, while I was waiting for the actors in front of their venues, I’d pluck away. Remarkably, when one is under a time constraint, one is more focused. In a way, not having my kids there constantly distracting me, I was able to do more.

After my two week of intensive, I took the entire day on Monday to spend it with Frankie. We went to the Museum of Science and Industry which I hadn’t been to in over a decade and we had an absolute blast. I did my best to say “yes” to any idea he had. It’s how I ended up laying on the floor of a digital theatre and experienced the depth of our oceans surrounded by sea life and it was transcending.

Thank you for the kind comment and for taking the time, friend. 🧚

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This was a great collaboration to be a part of.

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You two knocked it out of the park.

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The Pluto is strong in this one 🔥🌚

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I'm a Scorpio

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Kennedy is smart enough to do this:

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Obviously there's no safety data for vaccines.

If there was, it would show that they're all unsafe!


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Why can’t we just be pleasantly surprised one of these times?

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I'm already surprised that they made Bernie and Warren look like nut jobs lol.

It's an absurdist heaven, 😆

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I might need to characteristically drop a music link, but other than that, WOW to the OMFG power. Back in 1967 there was The Prisoner...and this... www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9Mro1JYDKk

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Never ever heard of this before. I really genuinely appreciate the insight you have of American culture and music. This is gold.

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Astounding artist with such a powerful voice that goes to the very marrow of our bones where our germ fighters are born.. every project outdoes what was impressive before it.. remind your kiddies how lucky they were to come to be your angel babies but guessing they know! <3

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Really needed that boost, Pamela, thank you. Especially after a grueling month of hardly seeing my babies. 🙏

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Brilliant on both your parts and terribly and appropriately dark. The children at the end really got to me.

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Thanks, T! When it spit out that image from the prompt I knew it had to be the last visual.

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Unholy scheisse, Tonika! That was an appropriately terrifying visualization of Thumbnail Green‘s requiem. How you managed to bang that out on top of working 19-hour days for two weeks straight I have no freaking clue, but you have proven once again your miracle-making skills. Now please for the love of all who love you, get some marathon sessions of healing sleep!

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AMEN to that, MAA!

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