Sorry, I'm out of the loop: What is the "Whyyyyyyy" about?

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The “why” was on TV a lot in ‘94.

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Yes, bizarro world continues. I once had a Dorothy Hamill haircut 😳 and last week I was able to skate on a pond in the woods for the first time which turned out to be the best ever. I miss ice skating and have had it on my mind for months and then that horrible accident happened. So very sad.

Decorations??? My old decorations (some ornaments well over 100 yrs old) arrived in the van from the missing paintings incident. 😭 Like you, I have twinkle lights up all year round because the 🧚🧚🧚love them. I didn’t get around to putting up any decorations until after the holidays when I hung some ornaments on the twinkle lights! It looked pretty. I just don’t care so much anymore. And lol, I just took the last ornaments off. Let’s see how long it takes me to get the box to the barn. #nomotivation.

Happy Groundhog Day, Tonika! When was it??? Omg sorry for the longggg comment! 😂 💕🧚

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Carte Blanche to leave entire novels as comments, Barbara, any freaking time!

I really do hope your paintings made it into someone’s home who loves them to no end. I like to imagine hat about items dear to my heart that have left my reality- someone else has them and they’re serving a higher purpose.

And I’m only kidding about decorations. It's so arbitrary, innit? Gotta have them down by Groundhog Day (Feb 2nd, btw). Says who?

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Yes, I like to imagine my paintings with someone who’s loving them up rather than the other option…a dumpster. 😳

Happy February, Tonika! ❄️🥰

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Happy February, dear!

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Oh Tonika, now I'm deliberating whether to look the above stuff up and go down a time-consuming rabbit hole, or just inconvenience you by asking you to provide a precis of what the Tonya thing was all about. I think I stopped paying attention to the Olympics in the 1980s lol.

I'm going to go with the latter option, but you are under no pressure to respond.... :)

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😂 it isn’t really anything grand. She just popped out of nowhere to say she’s back on Twitter, got millions of views. Then the crash happened and the next day, Nancy Karrigan popped back into people’s consciousness because she was all over the tele doing the same crying face. And since Groundhog Day is about repeats, this echo of 1994 reminded me of it. Groundhog Psyop, perhaps? No need to go down any rabbit holes. I promise, lots more fun psyops than this one.

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Yep!! It's all put away. I did some organizing of the Christmas decorations--we have just tons, some inherited from various parents and grandparents, alot acquired as I have trouble not buying any, especially when it is on sale after Christmas. But one year we did leave the tree up until March!!

I too remember the Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan fiasco--as a kid we watched the Olympics in earnest! Those were the days of 3 or 4 TV channels at the most, no cable, etc. I'm old LOL!!!!

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Oooooo, your Christmas tree game sounds strong!

Hey, I grew up with two channels and I gotta tell you, there wasn’t so much crap on TV and you watched the tele a lot more consciously than now, constantly in the background. Of course, I haven’t watched regular television in years, I stream the occasional podcast or documentary, but feel totally out of the loop on pop culture. My expertise begin in 1994 and end in 1998. 😂 I do, in fact, remember Me. Belvediere and can tell you about quite a few Star Trek: TNG episodes.

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We were supposed to take down our Christmas stuff??? Oh crap. The world has so many expectations!

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It's best to take it down before it starts to get dusty. I can't imagine dusting a Christmas tree and all the ornaments cause I left it out too long. lol But still very enjoyable to look at.

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Isn't that what cats are for? Automatic dust machines.

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I thought cats were for knocking the tree down. So I guess in a way that could get the dust off of it.

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Yes, absolutely. Don’t know what I was thinking!

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Yeah, if by dust, you mean priceless ornaments. 😂 my cats will take everything waist level and below down.

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wow, flashback.. i remember that whole drama.

wrt Christmas decorations: this year I took mine down very early, January 3rd. Last year and year before... something like mid-January, which is more normal for me. But the year before that, the winter of 2022... that was the winter of darkness. Jan 29th-30th I went to Ottawa for the Truckers Freedom Convoy. Although there were thousands of Canadians who went, and who saluted the truckers on the way, standing on the sides of highways and overpasses in the frigid weather, much (most?) of the country sided with Trudeau. My neighbourhood was scary, neighbours spontaneously bursting into rants about "those asshole truckers". we unvaccinated ones were essentially under house arrest. I had waking nightmares of Trudeau taking the next step and sending military or police to knock on doors and haul us out of our homes, into quarantine camps. I decided I would keep my Christmas decorations up until the restrictions were lifted, until we were 'free' again. I refused to take them down until that day came.

They stayed up - tree, lights, everything (I have a lot, I like xmas decos) - until mid-April.

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You, my friend, are a legend and don’t let anyone in your neighborhood try and convince you otherwise.

Incidentally, in response to wearing my controversial T-shirt, people either didn’t notice or said nothing. Is it becoming normal? 😑 gonna try again somewhere more public. Once it gets nicer out, it’ll be nice to wear it outdoors. It’s possible people in the pub were too polite to engage since they can run into me again there.

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very interesting that you got no comments...

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Wow Tanya!

Please check out the movie "I, Tanya" and you'll see how crazy the whole thing was.

It also shows how Olympic sports are dominated with the wealthy and the judges are all from the same upper classes.

Meanwhile in the USSR, it was more like a sport that anyone could get into with skill.

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And also minted a new Hollywood star in Margot Robbi who went on to become Barbie.

"What a world...What a world....'

"I, Tanya" is a very good movie.

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Wait, what? Who is Margot Robbie? Is she a skater?

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Oh, I looked it up. 😂 she’s an actor.

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It's just an amusing trajectory that her career has taken. Ironic.

From playing Tanya Harding to Barbie.

Though I, Tanya is by far the superior movie.

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Gymnastics was the same way, in BG. It was super difficult and the coaches were hard core. But if you trained and excelled, you were on the team.

I’ve been meaning to watch that movie. When does one find the time?!?

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Happy Groundhog day is right! I did wonder on Karrigan, was clueless on Tanya (not on Twitter) and yeah.. WTF? Weirdness.

On a happy note - all my Christmas stuff is boxed up sans one strand of large colored lights which just make me smile, so why not? 2 Viscerals in one day! That's a good omen for sure. :-)

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I keep a string of lights year round myself! I often echo your experience and thoughts, Kathleen… we might actually be in some kind of parallel universe crossover. 😂

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