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🫡 this response is thorough! Bob, I really encourage you to follow some of these leads. I was where you now stand two years ago. It was uncomfortable changing my beliefs. It was painful to sacrifice friends, career, my own identity... I hope you’re curious enough to peek behind the curtain!

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So is this a substack devoted to these ideas? I came here to listen to your reading of Caitlin Johnstone's poem. I'm a big fan of hers. I had no idea what I was stepping into. As a retired doctor who believes in science, I have no reason to wonder if there is a worldwide conspiracy to hoodwink the public about COVID. Do you believe in modern medicine or do you think it's all a hoax? I am really curious.

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Thank you for asking and for being curious, truly, I will give you my honest answers.

This Substack is dedicated to making sense of the paradigms that have shifted for me in the last two years. Caitlin hits home with me not only because she is able to dispel the myth of the empire, but because she speaks to the collective expansion of consciousness and if I have an overarching theme with this stack, and more broadly, my purpose in life, is to help usher that conscious evolution. Add my voice to it, where I can, as best as I can. Selective pressure is squeezing our collective leap into the next phase of human development. The covid narrative and the overwhelming compelling evidence that point to nodes of power parallel the truths Caitlin extrapolates about empirical forces.

Do I believe in modern medicine or think it’s a giant hoax? This choice provides such binary extremes that it’s hard to answer. If I was experiencing any kind of trauma (gunshot, broken leg, car accident, etc), I would trust allopathy and the doctors who have spent hours learning how the mechanics of the body operate. You could say, I see doctors as mechanics of the body. As far as pharmaceuticals creeping in and creating a system of bribery, corruption, obfuscation of data, special interests, etc and how some doctors and hospitals tango with these criminal enterprises, well, how can they be surprised that people are turning their backs and looking for the old sage healers, the providers of cures through natural paths?

We outsource our trust to governments, religions, and experts and in doing so, we are infantilized. We stop trusting our instincts, we become dependent on the whim of our rulers as they are in the death throes of a dying empire. And a dying animal lashes out the worst when it’s at the end.

I’ve taken many inferential steps to get to where I am. I didn’t wake up one day and start thinking ‘iatrogenocide’. If someone had told me that two years ago, I would not have believed them. As a matter of fact, I was doing research on what was the best jab to take so I was a full blown normie. Voted for Bernie. Followed the childhood vaccine schedule. And I don’t believe doctors are evil or some such. Some are not aware, and some are just part of the institution. Docs are really good at memorisation and following direction. But there are incentives and punishments, carrots and sticks, and they keep most doctors in line. If you’re retired, it’s possible it wasn’t as blatant during your time as it is now.

Will I just write about covid here? No. I’m a theatre nerd. Watch half of my covid dissenter subscribers leave as soon as I get into the artsy-fartsy. But all I can promise to do is bring my authenticity. Grow with the community that comments here. I won’t always be right. But I’m committed to learning. I don’t want an echo chamber so your lens would be refreshing. I hope you stick around.

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Thanks for that detailed reply. I retired 11 years ago. I was a family doctor and prescribed medications all the time. I refused to go to any drug company-sponsored events or dinners because I didn't want to be influenced by Big Pharma. I have on the other hand seen endless examples of pharmaceuticals changing lives for the better, so I am not going to reject allopathic medicine. I do think caution is best, though, and in general I did not prescribe medications that had not been in use for many years, because only then could one have a sense of safety and efficacy. In terms of COVID, unless one is advancing a theory of worldwide conspiracy involving even countries that are on opposite sides of geopolitical tensions (China, US, for example), it's hard for me to see how someone could think that coronaviruses do not cause human illness and in some cases death as well. It's also hard to understand how anyone can reject vaccines, given how many lives have been saved as a result of them. Again, unless one is suggesting a conspiracy that reaches all corners of the globe, how can one believe that the COVID vaccines haven't saved countless lives? I'm no fan of Big Pharma, but that doesn't mean I throw out the baby with the bath water and simply believe that anything pharmaceutical is automatically bogus.

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Thank you for sharing some of your background. Seeing that you’re engaging in good faith here and learning that you avoided Pharma bribes, I can see how it might be incredulous to consider that others do not hold themselves to the same integrity. If you are a trustworthy person, could you entertain the idea that you have a good guy bias?

I don’t think many in the movement of shedding light on the covid vaccines are out to reject allopathic medicines altogether. But as you said, practicing caution is best. Medicines that come to market based on studies and research funded by those who stand to profit from the product being pushed out, will cherry-pick, tease, and torture data until it sings what they want it to. Kinda like sending the fox to investigate the hen murders. You know how Caitlin says, (paraphrasing) They lied to us about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Honduras, Cuba, (the list is long), but we think they aren’t lying about Ukraine? Well, Pharma lied about Vioxx, Thalidomide, AZT, Zantac... you get the idea. Propoxyphene was on the market for a whopping 55 years (I’ve been prescribed it!) before it was pulled down. The original polio vaccine was administered to 200 000 kids before it was halted for giving polio to 40,000 of them, paralysing 200 and killing 10. If anything, any modern medicine would need to be relooked at with an independent eye for benefit/risk ratio. Very often, any temporary benefit is severely overshadowed by a long term risk, as in the case with information currently coming out with statins. And doctors are still continuing to prescribe them, throwing caution to the wind.

As per Pfizer’s own data, their product failed, but it was still pushed out to the general public, in some cases, mandated, with zero long term safety data. The newest booster was tested on 8 mice. Who all got covid anyway. And then were disposed right after so there were no long term safety studies at all. None of this breeds trust in the public. Captured public health agencies with conflict of interest are complicit. Yet we outsourced our trust to them. And they are the ones that are elucidating (and in some cases, withholding) the raw data. It took over a year to FOIA their V-Safe data, they fought tooth and nail to keep it hidden, and it’s because it doesn’t look good.

Which brings me to the conspiratorial aspect of your inquiry. Is there a mass plot that spans the globe (even between geopolitical adversaries?). A few things to point out. The Western world isn’t the entire globe. US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe all followed the same playbook with lockdowns, masking, and vaccines. China did not use mRNA vaccines. I don’t know if it’s worth mentioning this, but I’m doing it because the 5D chess that is being played by the technocratic powers of the world is so complex that I can hardly avoid being overwhelmed by the firehouse of information. Africa has the slowest uptake in covid vaccines, with large swaths of population and least amount of covid deaths. So did the mRNA shots save lives there? Why is all cause mortality higher in 2021, post vaccine roll out, across the western world but not so in poorer countries? Those countries mostly rejected the vaccine, you’d think it would be the other way around. And as far as efficacy, well, here’s from Pfizer’s own mouth admitting in the EU parliament that the vaccines were never tested for their efficacy prior to market:


If you accept the media is complicit in lying to us about Ukraine and Russia, to think they’re truthful about the vaccines is practicing a form of Gell-Mann Amnesia. The pending nuclear Armageddon is only one board of the multi level control exerted on the human population. Financial collapse is yet another. A lot can be solved with a reduction of population. And it isn’t new. Governments have practiced democide for years.

Margaret has provided many links above that explain how a larger conspiracy plays out. But if you trust a doctor’s opinion, seek out a Substack by ‘A Midwestern Doctor’. It might speak to you more as you would recognize the short hand of terminology and references not meant for the layman. You don’t need to bribe every doctor. Threatening their license if they don’t follow the guidelines is a good enough incentive. Some of these younger doctors graduate with so much debt, it is inconceivable to them to jeopardize their job by asking question. And yet, some still do. You just don’t hear about them because the complicit media and social networks actively censor them.

I escaped a communist country to come to the United States and am concerned that my fellow Americans have a hard time recognizing being bamboozled because they didn’t experience what some of us have. I’m just starting my journey in unpacking how it’s all connected. Maybe some of what I said rings true for you, maybe I was a little too long-winded. The dissident movement has a steeper hill to climb in explaining complex nodes of operation while the main narrative can stick to “safe and effective”. But I promise you, there are plenty in this space with different approaches and skills. I’m sure you can find someone who speaks to your way of sense making. You can steer clear of those who use fear porn for clicks. You can read those who crunch the numbers and elucidate the data. Or those who connect the dots on a philosophical level. If you go to my home page, you can see all the stacks I follow. Some are even pro-vaccine. If you’re into looking at data, I recommend Mathew Crawford, Jessica Rose, and the Arkmedic blog. If you’re into philosophy, try Dr. Toby Rogers, Tessa Lena, Charles Eisenstein, Kathleen Devanney. If you like wordsmiths with data crunching skills and a healthy dose of snark, try El Gato Malo.

I hope the length of me response didn’t discourage you from reading it.

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No, not at all, I'll consider it. Thanks for your words--you definitely make good points. I very much appreciate the time it took to write them.

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