Love this reference myself! I was the art director for the International Beethoven Festival (this time of year always reminds me of the Beethoven Birthday Bash as big B was born on December 16th) and even during the 2020 covid festival, I ran a 6 hour live stream that broadcast in several countries featuring the likes of the Bonn Symphon…
Love this reference myself! I was the art director for the International Beethoven Festival (this time of year always reminds me of the Beethoven Birthday Bash as big B was born on December 16th) and even during the 2020 covid festival, I ran a 6 hour live stream that broadcast in several countries featuring the likes of the Bonn Symphony out of my bedroom in my jammies with a glass of wine in hand. One of my finest moments, even if I do say so myself.
Love this reference myself! I was the art director for the International Beethoven Festival (this time of year always reminds me of the Beethoven Birthday Bash as big B was born on December 16th) and even during the 2020 covid festival, I ran a 6 hour live stream that broadcast in several countries featuring the likes of the Bonn Symphony out of my bedroom in my jammies with a glass of wine in hand. One of my finest moments, even if I do say so myself.
Wow, what a great job that must have been, with so much great music to choose from.
What a visual Tonika. Hidden talents on top of obvious talents. I think that scene you just described could be a natural jumping-off for the next EC.
Just when I didn't think I could get any more impressed ...
Wish I could have toasted that with you. But we're heading on to bigger and better things.