Never have faecal matters been dramatised in such detail, and it could not be more entertaining. Hopefully the train continues to veer further off the meta-narrative tracks in Part 5.
Never have faecal matters been dramatised in such detail, and it could not be more entertaining. Hopefully the train continues to veer further off the meta-narrative tracks in Part 5.
I knew you would appreciate that, Isaac. I can't tell you how obsessed I've been with wombats since you introduced me to the Oatmeal comic. And as I told Thumbnail Green below, "I've transferred my abundant affection for Isaac to wombats and vice-versa."
When I set up my caret simulation game at my domain, I hope you'll consider moving onto Wombat Way at the intersection of Apocaloptimist Lane. I think that Thumbnail might join you.
After Thumbnail reminding me about the platypusses (platypi?) and noticing when she subbed me (!) that Alice reads The Curious Platypus, should we have a Platypus Place off of Wombat Way? Or a Platypus Plaza?
Never have faecal matters been dramatised in such detail, and it could not be more entertaining. Hopefully the train continues to veer further off the meta-narrative tracks in Part 5.
I knew you would appreciate that, Isaac. I can't tell you how obsessed I've been with wombats since you introduced me to the Oatmeal comic. And as I told Thumbnail Green below, "I've transferred my abundant affection for Isaac to wombats and vice-versa."
When I set up my caret simulation game at my domain, I hope you'll consider moving onto Wombat Way at the intersection of Apocaloptimist Lane. I think that Thumbnail might join you.
Welcome to my obsessed world! Apocaloptimist Lane feels like home already.
After Thumbnail reminding me about the platypusses (platypi?) and noticing when she subbed me (!) that Alice reads The Curious Platypus, should we have a Platypus Place off of Wombat Way? Or a Platypus Plaza?