
What Is the Next Story?

Inspired by Charles Eisenstein

The thinker, philosopher, and author Charles Eisenstein came on my radar about a decade ago through a dear friend who shared his book Sacred Economics with me. A few years back, I took one of his courses, Metaphysics and Mystery, which was offered through a true self imposed sliding scale which also introduced me to the concept of practicing in the gift economy (there was a subsequent course on this particular idea that I also took) and I adapted this model in my own artistic pursuits in early 2020. But it wasn’t until the opportunity of free time awarded by the pandemic lockdowns did I take a deep plunge into his writings and recordings. I can attribute the impetus of starting my own Substack to the launch of Charles’ after he got cancelled for expressing his unpopular opinions. And, well, that was around the time I was about to touch a third rail of my own.

So I spent the last year fighting and purging my feelings of isolation, rejection, demoralization and felt that it was my calling to spread awareness to as many as would listen. And now, it seems that the middle ground folks are finally starting to come around and the energy has shifted so, hopefully, I’ll be spending a lot less time screaming into the abyss and more time envisioning how we can bring about ‘the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible’ — a term (and a book) Charles penned. I’ve sensed this shift in several of my favorite Substack authors, this desire to look into how we can co-create with our fellow conscious beings, our ecosystem, and the universe.

A few days ago, Charles posted this essay:

Charles Eisenstein
What is the Next Story?
As we move into the third decade of the 21st Century, the power of story is no longer a strange notion. We hear about ‘controlling the narrative”—the political narrative, brand narrative, etc., and even the relationship narrative. We have learned that our suffering and happiness depend much on what stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, the world, a…
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I read it and then immediately read it again. It resonated with me deeply. It presented a multidimensional spiritual cartography of what is next for consciousness and I wanted to amplify it; weave my own creativity with it and see what that morphic resonance can do. Hence the video in this post. It’s narrated by Charles with the audio ripped straight from Substack (and here is where I insert that Gabe of Libre Solutions Network made me feel like a hacker for 2.5 seconds) for an entirely unsolicited collaboration project. I did ask for permission to share the video publicly, in case you were wondering.

Since it has been my overarching goal to manifest and usher in the next conscious evolution (haha, sounds so lofty when I write it out, but my service to this goal is genuine), I’m going to be exploring the next story more in my posts and projects. I hope you’ll forgive me if I have to still purge some feelings once in a while. But my main focus will be on expanding our understanding of reality and healing pain, anger and fear. Onward.

I did load the video up to several platforms, if that’s your thing: YouTube, Rokfin, Bitchute, Rumble and my site. I started writing here focusing most of my posts on covid related issues, but covid is only one piece of a giant puzzle, so it’s time to zoom out a bit. If we are to take part in creating the picture on the box, we can’t stare at that one little piece forever. Maybe that analogy fell apart at the box bit because reality certainly can’t fit in a box, but that fact itself is indicative of our lack of vocabulary when it comes to communicating this stuff.

With gratitude to Charles for being a tireless antenna that channels and whispers the wisdom of the universe.

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