The storm that was the Politico SCOTUS leak piece struck the virtual waves splitting the sea of personal, political, and polemic posts. The usual cascade of war propaganda, pronoun updates, AOC and Elon flirtations, reductionist climate change hot takes, and high profile covid+ quadruple spiked vaccine promoters was interrupted and overwhelmingly stifled so that even an acquaintance who had a major personal mental trauma was posting about Judge Alito from their hospital bed.
It’s a Monday night, first working day in May at 8:32p when Poltico’s scoop begins to spread through the consciousness of Americans.
But by 10:39p, two hours later, protesters were gathering in front of the Supreme Court, signs ready, some hand crafted, some printed, some laminated, chants filling up the air accompanied by the beat of a continuous drum.

Now, hold on just a minute: you mean to tell me all these young professionals heard Roe vs Wade was in danger over dinner, did some arts and crafts and headed down to chant in front of SCOTUS and it took them less time than a Marvel movie? Was there a FB event about this? How did they know anyone else was going? Did they know the permit rules in advance? Were the Justices even there? I must admit, this is strange. I have so many questions.
But my main question is why now? Alito wrote the opinion in February and some clerk-turned-whistleblower leaked the opinion to Politico just now? A leak of this caliber has never occurred in SCOTUS history. The timing is a little sus. My immediate reaction was that after accepting how far they had slipped into the polls, the Biden administration is attempting to galvanize the left. And it seems there are others who think the same. But the fury with which the fiasco took over every social media conversation makes me raise an eyebrow: what is this key jingling distracting us from? And did people read the opinion before adding their voices to the ether?
The potential Roe vs. Wade overturn is bizarre. The court was recently divided and seemingly willy nilly on official rulings prompted by the simplest questions of bodily autonomy. These questions surrounded issues as basic as should someone be forced to wear a barrier on their mouth and nose, limiting the amount of fresh air to which their body is accustomed and normally thrives; should a landlord be allowed to evict a tenant who hasn’t paid rent (not just in terms of weeks or months, but in over a year); and should someone be required by law to have something injected into his or her bloodstream in order to keep a job.

But perhaps in the most surreal turn of events, Vice offered a DIY abortion option in the form of horse medicine and that SNL skit is starting to look a little too on the nose.
Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled toward basic constitutional guarantees of bodily autonomy, but in a few important cases, it didn’t. So why the Roe vs. Wade right now? We don’t have time for this. We are at a time in which we are defending against a barrage of toilet paper wads threatening: our lives through inflation, the First Amendment, the Second amendment, and even in sieving the Fourteenth (the Fourteenth was more about corporate individualism than it was about anything else). It was like an hour ago we were having trouble defining ‘woman’ and referencing ‘pregnant people’ and now we are back to questioning a woman’s right to chose what to do about a pregnancy. Whiplash anyone?
I wonder if there is a computer algorithm that can tell you what issue will cause the biggest stir so while the Republicans are focusing on the leak and the Democrats are focusing on the ruling, no one pays attention to batty Oliver Stone warning about a possible nuclear false flag.

Or ‘provocateur’ Dinesh D’Souza’s new doc 2000 Mules.
Or the May FOIA’d Pfizer dump which reveals that their product’s actual efficacy was 12% and the absolute risk reduction (ARR) is 0.84%. Pfizer’s own data proves they covered up an exorbitant amount of adverse effects including harms on unborn fetuses. Perhaps if Roe vs. Wade goes South and you’re in a state with strict abortion laws, you can just do a two shot Pfizer regiment. And it wasn’t just Pfizer that lied. The CDC knew. The government knew. They all knew and they lied anyway.
So go to the polls this fall. Or not. Get angry about the other side. Or not. Expand the court. Or not. The cops are gonna cop no matter what side of the issue you stand on. And the politicians gonna politic. But while our minds are being occupied with some divisive tactic yet again, our lives are being systematically rearranged. It’s like in that movie Dark City where the overlords had the power to make every regular human being remain frozen in time while they deconstructed and reconstructed life in their purview.
Anyway, someone should tell Zelenskyy there’s a new current thing.
I fear we’re experiencing an exponential onslaught of ‘crises’. We might have a harder and harder time discerning the truth and teasing out pertinence.
Completely agree. It's all very suspect; the "look here and here while we do this and that" continues.