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late ta the pahrty here, but Happy Happy New Year Tonika! You look (if I may quotheth Billy Crystal) Mahvelous! I'm SO happy yer feelin' lotsa new energy -- yer just glowin'! I know it was a "do or die" kinda situation like the Grace Jones song (!) but still, it took a lotta strength ta do it all. I know too few that did NOT.. sadly I too lost many friends--one last month (age 51, got the big C shortly after jab 1 an' kept on jabbin' then onta chemo, the woiks--MCM published my little tribute to her..."Anoush"). Even those I thought were freethinkerz an' would resist the countermeasures--didn't. So give yerself a pat on the back anywayz!

I DID love yer Mistah Grinch. I'll join in as an'nuther pure American HAM!--Funny as I'm mentionin' that song--it's vaudeville--in my next postin' which wuz supposed ta be my new one but then...LA came...

Oh an' likely ye know this but don't worry 'bout the chill'ins not bein' nearly as "enthused"--been there myself (thankfully I'm a bit past the "oh mama I'm SO embarrassed, I had FRIENDS in the audience!"/how could you?! reaction--ha ha--that was quite the stage...) I'm now in the presence of "bemused" but not embarrassed onlookers. My younger one's a ham but more..."cured" than I lol.

Anywhoo--Happy Happy NY an' CONGRATS on all you WON not lost lol ;-)

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😃 thanks, Daisy! You summed it all up nicely! I so appreciate the warm words. Speaking of which, stay out of the frost up there! Been an extra brrrrrr winter over here. 😬

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aw thx, warm wishes (& good heat!) needed all 'round... Snow Miser's bizzy this year! (actually we know it's worse than that -- the "en-nuke-leation" thang) but anywhoo--I KNOW it gits cold yer way too! Once in chicago my tongue FROZE! stuck it out at a friend makin' a joke an' ha ha on me--it wuz so cold it formed ice in an instant!--crazy winds offa lakeshore drive dunnit--truly weird sensation! keep the home fires burnin' (NOT the kind in la LOL!)

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