I concur in every single way possible, with all y'all have said, about Tonika, and about one another. Makes me actually GRATEFUL for all the shit that's been pulled to "confine us." We CANNOT BE CONFINED. Love you goddesses. xox
I concur in every single way possible, with all y'all have said, about Tonika, and about one another. Makes me actually GRATEFUL for all the shit that's been pulled to "confine us." We CANNOT BE CONFINED. Love you goddesses. xox
I concur in every single way possible, with all y'all have said, about Tonika, and about one another. Makes me actually GRATEFUL for all the shit that's been pulled to "confine us." We CANNOT BE CONFINED. Love you goddesses. xox
Love received and reciprocated. Yeah, good luck confining the feral, moon loving je ne sais quoi. ЁЯдЧ