Awesome writing as usual. {smile} We are capable of doing a lot when our life depends on it (read the book "The Comfort Crisis"), the challenge can be understanding and realizing that your life *does* depend on it. Losing loved ones around you can also be motivation to make some steps in the right direction!
Awesome writing as usual. {smile} We are capable of doing a lot when our life depends on it (read the book "The Comfort Crisis"), the challenge can be understanding and realizing that your life *does* depend on it. Losing loved ones around you can also be motivation to make some steps in the right direction!
Awesome writing as usual. {smile} We are capable of doing a lot when our life depends on it (read the book "The Comfort Crisis"), the challenge can be understanding and realizing that your life *does* depend on it. Losing loved ones around you can also be motivation to make some steps in the right direction!
Adding the book to my queue. Thanks!
Enjoy the book! I found it fascinating and extremely well written.