The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes superstition as: a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.
Ok. Guilty!
When I was a kid, I used to play these games in my mind where I would think of a challenge that if I was able to overcome, I would be rewarded with something I wanted. Set up an X, for a Y result. These would be silly things, like if I was able to hold my breath while I went out to throw out the trash to avoid the stinky dumpster and got back behind my door before the desperate inhale, I’d get to go to the beach with my friends. I must have experienced enough positive feedback loops that I continued playing these games well beyond my reasoning of “false conception of causation.” If I’m being embarrassingly honest, I still sometimes do this, if for nothing else than to test causality against the power of manifesting with my mind. Reality gambling.
I know I’m not the only one out there, considering the amount of people with rabbit foot keychains and the black cat still holding records for the least adoptable feline. Ultimately, tokens or symbols of superstition, are just that - props that are utilized for what the mind actually does. But it is a bit of fun to infuse such items with power for that, in itself, is the alchemy behind the magic. Nocebos, placebos, and macibos. I made the last one up, but I’m sure you’re able to guess.
We’re constantly casting spells and hacking our brains to behave a certain way. It is not a giant leap for me to believe that we can influence an outcome by simply thinking it. It’s why prayer works and why, even as a non-religious person, I will never turn down prayers. Now combine the thought with writing it down, or uttering it outloud, or joining others who do so, and this prayer is amplified multiple times over. And actions are even more powerful prayers!
Last November 11th, I started an 11:11 journal as per Rev. Katie Grace’s suggestion and I still write in it daily.
It serves as a small ritual in which I cast my spell along with visualization and meditation. Professional hypnotists help people hack into their own brains using such tools. For more on this topic, check out this post by Mary Poindexter McLaughlin whose husband Pete was on Mike Adams’ show talking about mind control. But I am not above the amulets, oh no. As I embarked on my healing journey in Tijuana, I was bathed in good wishes which I cherished dearly, but I was also gifted a few things which I took along. Here’s a sample:
It probably comes as no surprise, then, that I’ve had some anxiety over the damn eclipse. I know, I know, it’s a four minute phenomenon that we’ve lived through many times before. It’s not the eclipse per se that has me wigging out, but the fact that so many are adding their energy to its importance and therefor casting a spell. People are really into it.
Being so far away from my kids fuels the anxiety. I tried leaning into the absurdity of it all as my wholesome conspiratorial Aussie friend Isaac invited me to collaborate on his astrological wombat digging of Part 2 of the Orange Moonchild series.
But it wasn’t until a dear friend from England sent me an email that shifted the perspective for me in exactly the way I needed. In it, he said what if, instead of disaster, April 8th’s energy can be harnessed for something we want. If the eclipse is just a token or a symbol, it’s still us that direct its magic. We hold the power. We cast the spell. Now that is some woo woo I can get behind. So, who’s with me? What shall we wish for? What’s the worst that can happen? Scratch that — what’s the best that can happen? Let’s hook and harness the energy of this eclipse the way Lisan al-Gaib rides the sandworm. Let’s tap into our collective consciousness and manifest our reality. Let’s bathe the darkness with the light of our divinity and set forth the timeline we wish to live. See you on the other side, friends!
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As always, thank you for being a part of my journey.
Nice! Yes, great idea. Here is what I see..... I see all creative and heart led people connecting across the globe like a mycelium network, little filaments and tendrils of art, poetry, story writing, dance, all connecting and bringing each other joy. Raising each other spirits after all the ridiculous, crazy, hurtful crap we have been through. I am a joyful idealist, a naive little fairy, a childlike optimist. I no longer wish to engage with the awful, I wish to turn away and focus all my power and energy to see if I can shed tiny droplets of positive light out there to others who will then connect further and share their own amazing creative spirit. Also, I now have an absolute longing to adopt a black cat. Love from me to you 🙏❤
Black cats are least adopted??? I love black cats and have had many over my lifetime!