Another great piece! We have been conditioned for so long by every major western institution (school, medicine and media) to outsource our sense making and dismiss our direct experience (aka gaslighting ourselves). People who escape this indoctrination or retain some immunity to memetic viruses (aka propaganda) often have non-traditional experiences (for better or worse) or are hanging on by fingernails to their indigeneity. I’m so grateful for having incompetent neglectful parents! I could be a small town wildling 😊. I have zero Covid deaths in my circle of care. I’ve lost count of the injuries and deaths that have darkened my door since the jabs rolled out. Hoping my coincidence-theorist friends start paying attention but not quite as hopeful as you quite yet! Grateful for your voice 🙏.

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I appreciate you lifting me up, Brian! I agree about the reason some folks were able to escape the indoctrination is due to the fact that they had an unorthodox upbringing. My theory is that we maybe moved around a lot or didn’t have the regular stability that childhood offers. When you uproot you physical or mental being a whole bunch, it renders you comfortable with being an outsider, an outlier, a weirdo, a loner, a you-fill-in-the-blank outcast. I think I changed twelve school in a span of two years when I moved to the United States. You gain the ability to zoom out out of necessity.

“I’m so grateful for having incompetent neglectful parents!” -hahahaha, way to look at the silver lining of that one!

I think I remember reading some of your thoughts on the covid narrative in the NAAS community really early on and it helped me keep my sense of balance. Late 2020 and early 2021 was the most fought.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment.

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I mostly stayed put growing up, but I did notice that new kids in school that were uprooted several times had a different outlook and what I thought was a healthier way of thinking. I had those "imaginary" friends/teachers that taught me a different way of thinking. One of my best friends was uprooted constantly, living all over the world, he thinks differently also.

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There’s something to it, I’m certain of it.

Did your friends/teachers tell you why you could engage with them but others couldn’t or didn’t?

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no, not that I remember, I was just surprised that others did not have the same teachers or knowledge. It just occurred to me that everyone should know these things and when I was 5 years old I figured out that most people thought the opposite of what I thought. Did not seek an answer to this, guess that it was not the time for those answers.

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I can imagine that could be an alienating experience for a child.

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Lots of giggles :-), but I didn't click on the link. Your description was enough for my imagination. I just giggled and kept on reading ;-)

> We aren’t special for sussing out the sus. Under a different circumstance, I would have fallen for it too.

Well said.

We are all predictably irrational. I wish we were taught this at school.

Being rational is not the norm. Being irrational is.

People who believe they are always rational are the most prone to being irrational and yet will never see it. I call it the "blind side of reason".

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Oh man, that is such an acute observation and understated sentiment. Now, here’s what really bakes my noodle: are we naturally made this way or have we just adapted to an incredible sick society and therefor our irrationality has become the norm? My guess would be the latter since indigenous folk living in tribes don’t seem to be plagued by this, but someone with better anthropological knowledge than I could answer that better.

As far as school is concerned, especially in the States, I would venture to say that it’s where irrationality really takes hold. I can’t imagine experiencing gnawing anxiety on the daily over not getting a ‘thumbs up’ on my homework...

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> are we naturally made this way or have we just adapted to an incredible sick society and therefor our irrationality has become the norm?

It is perfectly natural, and only manifests itself when in an emotional state.... Any emotional state.

"Fear" is particularly potent, but so is lust, greed, jealousy, anger, etc...

You can predict irrationality based on these emotional states. People in this state can not see it. They are entirely blind to it and as far as they are concerned are completely rational.

> indigenous folk living in tribes don’t seem to be plagued by this

They know how to control their emotions.


Everything in society today is designed to heighten people's emotional state.

If you can engineer scenarios to trigger these emotional states you can predictably control them, without them ever knowing.

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nice comment

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Funny you say that. I’ve witnessed this kind of thing playing out in small circles before. In high school, for example, seeing someone create a jealousy situation so they can control the person. I don’t quite think that people always do it consciously. Some, even unknowingly, just echo the sentiments of our systems at play. And the notion definitely exists in literature. Othello. Lolita. The Cruciable. But now that you’ve made me aware how society today is designed to heighten those states, I’m gonna pay more attention to the mechanics. It’s hard to see through the onslaught of faux outrage, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled. Thanks.

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If I had known the link was to watch giraffes having sex, I might have click on it!

I think some people know others who have died after the lipid nanoparticle genetic injection. But they don't know that the injection may have been, or was likely a contributing factor. In my spiritual community, there were three sudden cardiac deaths within the span of 8 months. No one mentioned the jabs. One person died of pancreatic cancer, a very fast death (but that has a low survival rate anyway). Another person in their 40s just had a stroke, one breast cancer, one ovarian cancer, one thyroid problem, two non-cancerous masses, one shingles, one long-term hives, one long-term inflammatory issues and poor health, one long-term pain issues, one short-term extreme bone pain, two healthy relatively young people fell with broken bones. And these are just the people I've come across in a community that spans several countries. I'm unsure how much the vaccine has contributed, but since I know the possible vaccine side effects, at least I know it's a possibility. A majority of people and my spiritual community have taken this injection, and are unaware of these possible side effects.

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You can always go back and click. :) the video made me laugh out loud. It’s good for a lolz.

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😄 I just did. That female giraffe just wouldn't keep still! Cute.

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😮 do these people know each other?!? These seem like quite a bit of severe adverse effects for one community.

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Yes, it is a lot! It's a community of about 15,000 people, so everyone doesn't know one another. But they hear about these illnesses at larger meetings. I just spent the afternoon with a triple jabbed close friend in this community. She's the one with chronic hives after the injection, and I find out today she's had heart issues for the past 3 months, probably pericarditis, and her symptoms are worsening. She was mostly open to this coming from the vaccine and said she's going to pursue the pericarditis possibility with her doctor. 🥺

I've talked with two triple jabbed people from this community about how side effects are more widespread than is commonly known. And they both had similar reactions that I didn't expect; first a little denial, then they were flippant about it, and said "oh well, I might die then." I think it's very hard to come to terms with the fact that they've harmed themselves.

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My heart breaks when I hear this kind of resolute stance. I think hope is not lost. Not everyone will suffer absolute severity, the body is a resilient thing. But the thought of a toxic substance in your body gnaws at you and can sometimes do just as much damage.

Thanks for sharing. I hope your friends channel healing vibes from higher frequencies. 🤗

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When I was a kid in boarding school, our boarding house was right opposite a large zoo. As prepubescent girls, we were utterly fascinated by the mating behaviour of the zoo animals. So yes, of course I clicked on that video of copulating giraffes .... you know, nostalgia.

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OMG this was awesome!! I've also had the thought “If people are dying from vaccine related injuries at a rate of about 1 in 2,400, why are normies not noticing?", and concluded that it chalks up to statistics. Your example of the fire alarm incident during high school is perfect. I also follow the brilliant MC, RTE author, am in awe of his genius with numbers and stats, sadly my brain just doesn't grok that kind of stuff. But I'm sure the answer is in there somewhere.

And the meme of Kermit with his little song - YES. YES YES YES. Boy do I ever feel you on that one.

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Dear Jen (and Visceral),

I'm a bit late to this discussion, but I just wanted to see if I could clarify a few things.

In his article, Visceral suggests that if you knew that 1 in 2400 cups would kill you... would you take that bet? Yes! Of course I would! I'd even take it at 1 in 100. You see, our modern tendency is to outsource our understanding of *number* to 'scientists/mathematicians' like Matthew Crawford (with whom I have no problem, by the way). But that aspect of mathematics is of little consequence to our lives -- until covid, I suppose.

More important than understanding *statistics* is understanding *number* -- something that few scientists/mathematicians understand... it's more the purvey of bookies. An example: 1 million seconds is 11 days; one billion seconds is 31 YEARS. Mathematically, this is obvious, but very few people have an intuitive sense of this. This is also why no one talks about the US national debt anymore -- once it hit 1 trillion... no one understood what that meant.

The reason that I point this out is because... in the USA, roughly 36000 people die in car crashes every year (3000/month). Hey! Small number, so don't worry about it! Okay, but the average person lives about 100 years (rounding up). So, every year, the average citizen has a 0.01%... but over the course of a lifetime, this risk goes up to... 1%, or 1 in 100.

So, while Mr. Visceral has suggested that a 1/2400 chance of death is too deadly to deal with, he, himself (and I say this with all respect), is taking a 1% chance of death *every day of his life* (unless, like me, he doesn't step in cars).

To be honest, the fact that we need statistics at all to clarify covid means that its all bollox. A real pandemic would be visible to the eye.


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Thanks for the great comment! I follow your stack too and find it to be a wonderful read!

I think folks are noticing. Maybe they aren’t saying so out loud yet. But I see more and more of my friends getting on signal and telegram and those of us that have been using these apps for two years know fully well why we found ourselves here. 😂

Mathew inspired this post. He is brilliant. Toby called him a statistician warrior. A warriostitian!

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Warriostitian - perfect description of our dear friend! (I have to practice spelling it a few times)

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Neologisms are my favourite word forms. :)

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Haha, good word, warriostitian. I keep imagining what we are living through as a battle between good and evil, the Rebel Alliance vs The Empire, or the fellowship of the ring vs Sauron, maybe seeing Bret Weinstein as Gandalf, so then maybe Mathew could be Aragorn, wielding the Sword of Statistics, sharp blade slicing through bullshit.

What I find simultaneously the best thing and the worst thing about Substack is that pretty much everyone I read is WAY smarter than I am. Which is great because... because its great obviously, but a rather humbling experience to say the least, to encounter such a vast amount of cognitive power that is so far beyond what I am capable of. And like a lot of people tuned in to this, I find I have to make an effort to maintain some balance and step away for short breaks, to Not lose myself in reading Substacks all day every day 24/7. Still.. thank God for Substack!

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There are so many smarts in Substack it’s oozing brains, but I don’t let it discourage me and you shouldn’t let it either! Your unique view and perspective are another piece of the puzzle necessary for the big picture. Also, your voice is spot on authentic which is what draws me to you. So, yeah, fellow rebel, let’s get that Death Star!

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Fessing up

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