A world where people have learned to distrust authority and eschew hierarchy.

A world where consenting acts between adults are legal unless they infringe the rights of others.

A world with free movement and no passports of any kind.

A world of decentralized solutions.

A world without centralized authority and in which third party certification (rather than top-down regulation) is one means by which people may check on whether a product or service — any product or service, including medicine — is worth buying. (Because third parties may compete for the consumer, too, so shitty ones will go out of business, unlike the FDA and CDC).

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These are very important points. I wonder if society might split in two: those who go with the transhuman agenda and those that don’t. Could that even be possible? Or are we just asking for constant conflict? Sneetches with stars on their bellies and sneetches that have none...

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Your speaking into my heart with this, in fact I'm boring myself stupid when I go into my belligerent whiney rants about how sick and afraid and pissed I am at all thats wrong and especially today, this full moon in virgo is a good time to start feeling into the impact we have with our mindful intentions and heartfelt prayers and dreams. And for those of us wishing to practice out utopias i highly recommend this program by the renown dreamer Manda Scott thats starting in May https://Thrutopia.life

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A world with universal material and spiritual (as opposed to academic) education. Material being basic things like handyman and permaculture skills, spiritual being a knowledge of universal human virtues and natural law.

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Yes! I see those as some of the most important points to lean on, most certainly! The fact that you, on the other side of the world from me, are watering (focussing attention on) similar gardens (material and spiritual) makes me feel connected in the way lighthouses pierce through the fog. Here in the States, one of the biggest hurdle to expanding our understanding of the nature of reality, is our inability to feel comfortable in our own skin.

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