Lordy it's good I didn't see this over dinner cuz it's certainly one coughed-up hairball on the carpet to make us all wretch---an' wretched ta boot!

Actually, come ta think've it, adverts like this act like an octopus--many tentacles to reach out an' "grab" us good.... (They used to depict the Rocky-Fellers & Team Fed as The Octopus too...) SO...

1 tentacle is "WISHFUL THINKIN'' " (Club Sandwich 've Rome an' friends fund these commercials and they MUST tell us their plans....what they wish for! 1 outta 2 with cancer killin' half've humanity JUST with cancer--not countin' their other fun methods... yup)

1 tentacle is "werk"/ WORK IN PROGRESS (the kill shots, the 5g, the chem-trails, the vinyl chloride 'shroom clouds, nukes on the way.... all of it IS causin' more cancers and this is a result of their "werk"--their projects--Now already we got not 1 outta every 2 folks but WAY MORE cancers than ever... So this clip shows pride in what they've accomplished thus far with their dastardly "werk-in-progress"...

1 tentacle is SELLING folks on conventional treatments (chemo! radiation!) which are the only ones shown... an' we know they'll kill folks right good (those that didn't just croak from the other goodies they're sendin' down to us)

1 tentacle is that of PERMISSION -- showing folks stuff they willingly WATCH (and don't hoot n' holler about....) gives some kinda Illumin-atti permission to keep on goin'-- if ya recall the NY Hoss-spittal clip about normalizing myocarditis got a LOT of hoots 'n hollers--so they pulled it! Permission wasn't given fer that'un--nobody should allow this one to air/ replay either....

1 tentacle is that of GROOMING--gettin' folks USED TO the IDEA of gettin' cancer prepares them...

1 tentacle is NORMALIZING--just as young folks dyin' of SAD is now the norm, gettin' cancer sometime is now "normal"--one outta two ('cept we ain't buyin' it!)

1 tentacle is DE-MORALIZING--hey, let's get folks REALLY depressed with this teary-weepy thing--they'll die, lose limbs, lose their hair--let's depress 'em cuz that causes more deaths...

an' finally (no' 8) the last tentacle is THE GYPSY FORTUNE-TELLER--if you tell some folks their fortune with confidence (it's a confidence GAME), like "you WILL get cancer" or "you will take a trip with a tall dark handsome man..." MANY'll believe it and act accordingly (betcha dollarz ta donuts some folks see this crap an' take out life insurance or update their Last Wills an' all that.... watch other in-dust-trees go kaching too!)

I love Octopi as amazin' creatures but (beggin' the pardon of the REAL'uns) I don't wanna be near this 8-armed contraption from Hell--cuz that IS what such Predictive Programmin' IS.

May we all live to be AT LEAST 100 and ALL HAVE GOOD HEALTH-- L'Chaim Y'all!

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It does seem like there is an effort to normalize cancer, so there is no outcry, no questioning, no pushback. I would agree with the idea that this is in preparation for a big rise, from the jabs, definitely, maybe also more toxins pumped into the air and water, if what happened in Ohio happens in other places, and who knows what other insane shit is going to be coming down the line, there will very likely be a huge increase, so all this stuff preps people. But I also feel like even before this there has been a big change in how cancer is perceived. I remember a time, say... 20 or 30 years ago, when it was called "the C-word", and whispered; when everyone was afraid of it, when it was The Thing that terrified people. When the whole "Covid Pandemic" popped into being and took over our lives I was struck back then how bizarre it was that people were so uniquely afraid of it; as if dying from anything else was fine, getting a cancer diagnosis was no longer frightening, transitioning from pre-diabetes to full on diabetes with all the lifestyle problems that entails wasn't a problem, heart disease, dementia... all of sudden every other medical/health issue was perfectly fine, but "Covid" was terrifying and To Be Avoided At All Costs. Of course now myocarditis is normal and SADS is normal and on and on.

And the whole MAiD insanity that's happening here in Canada.. it makes me think Trudeau has some quota to fill, like he promised Klaus or Gates or whoever that he would get X-number of people to die within the next year or two or five or whatever. I would say it's beyond belief- it's stunningly unsubtle, the push to get people to agree to kill themselves. but at this point nothing is beyond belief.

Watching the coverage of the Ohio train wreck has given me the sense that 'they' really want to kill us, and that if the jabs were supposed to help with that, it's not happening fast enough so they need to try something else. Is nuclear war next? My own personal depopulation-theory held that it needs to be done at a very specific pace, they don't want to 'crash the system' so to speak; they may well feel it's desirable to go from 8 billion to 0.5 billion but not in one year, that would be too quick. So I don't know what a good pace would be. I know there are plenty of arguments against the depopulation-agenda theory too and I don't discount them, I take the stance that I really have no clue at all anymore. But the 'feeling' that they are trying to kill us is there. And let's face it, 8 billion is a LOT of people. If they want to make any progress on getting down to 0.5 they have a long way to go.

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They sure look like they have a hard journey ahead if that’s their agenda. Especially now, after so many people started paying attention. Now, everything they do is under a microscope with many eyes looking through the peepholes. Also, the Western world might have been under a spell, but other folks knew what was up even if they felt too powerless to stop it.

But so spot on about the difference of worry regarding any disease besides covid. How bizarre.

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Yes good point on both of those aspects - they might have overplayed their hand and now as a result more people are paying attention and asking questions; and very true about some outside our WEIRD world were not fooled from the get-go, especially many in Africa where they had good reason to be skeptical and doubt the benevolent intentions from the start.

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Indeed. Africa is punk rock. I loved it when Sierra Leone told WHO to eff off.

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I know that was awesome!!!

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I work in the storytelling industry so I'm almost obliged to have a TV. However I'm from the UK and to watch live TV here you have to purchase a licence. (Allegedly to subsidise the BBC which doesn't carry ads) . When the Covid bulshit hit I was so sick of the propaganda from the damn BBC in particular that I cancelled my licence. I also stopped listening to radio shows. I can't tell you how much this changed my life for the better. I felt released from an insidious brainwashing that had been there all my life and I hadn't noticed. I can still legally watch TV (unless it's on iPlayer) but only on demand, so I never, ever come across ads. (I have an ad blocker which blocks the buggers on YouTube). I was so astonished at the difference it made in my life that I had to finally concede that it's main purpose was to influence you rather than to 'inform, educate and entertain' (as laid out in the BBC charter.) I feel that much better without this stuff to the extent that if I get in a cab and the driver has the radio on I feel infected. Incidentally I still watch dramas and have noticed the creeping disease of wokeism taking hold - there was some insert (a throwaway. line actually) in a really popular Netflix drama about 'gender not. being binary' and the latest series of Borgen (once a classy Scandi drama) was banging on so much about climate change I dumped it after one episode. Be alert. Because I'm not sure if people are immersed in this stuff how much they realise they are being influenced. Even kids in a school playground singing that popular advertising jingle is insidious. .

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This is the spicy British take I needed this morning. 😂 to be honest, as someone who is also in the story telling business, I don’t want fiction anymore either. I noticed the wokels doing their thing in theatre, but you could see through it, not being genuine, I mean, most of it only good for virtue signaling. But the tele? Nope. I tried watching a movie with my kids and basically ruined it for them. I stick to documentaries or social commentary. Or make movies myself. 🤷‍♀️

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I can't edit this so sorry about the typos (it's) and a missing word 'know' in penultimate sentence.

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Never need to apologize for typos. I make them myself and unless they change the meaning of what you’re trying to say, I’m which case I might ask for clarification, it’s all good with me!

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I think this is part of the installation of a scarcity mindset - in this case the idea that health is scarce...

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On the part of whom? The folks that are making the commercial? Covid has really brought the hypochondriacs out, but for the most part, it feels like most folks operate with an immortality complex. Not that they think health is in abundance (and I personally do think it is, if your desires and actions prop that up) but that they won’t be the one getting ill.

I’m looking forward to reading about the expectation effect. I think, to Mary’s point, we can manifest not only physical ailments by expecting them, but other events too. Even negative events. We attract that which we stress over. When I was super broke and all I could think about was how to pay my bills, more and more bills would find their way to me: my car would break down, and my toothache would become unbearable, and the boiler would go out...etc. It sounds so hokey when I say it, but I think we really are changing the field of our environment with our thoughts and frequencies.

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Cancer drugs are very big business, highly profitable, and also the big cancer charities are an organized crime racket, which mostly syphons of charitable donations for "research" into the "cure" for cancer and launder it to big pharma. So making everyone think that cancer is rife, and that many of loved ones will get it, probably means more donations.

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Ah. Well I put that cancer book that you recommended today on my wish list. I am a firm believer that main stream has gotten cancer all wrong. Thanks for expanding my understanding, Gary.

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All are predicative programming and selling testing and products yes. I want to comment on the 50% cancer statistic. this is life time risk which is a nonsense stat. they add up the percentage risk for each year but forget to add up the denominator too. for example if 1% of people win the lottery each year and you live to 100 they would say the lifetime risk is 100%, you can't fail!. Whereas actually its 1 in a 100 chances x 100 years, which is 1% of people will win the lottery in their life time.

I don't know the overall cancer figures are but when they say 1 in 8 women will get a diagnosis of breast cancer in their lifetime it's actually about 1 in 1000 up to age of 70 https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/brca-genes-and-breast-cancer-risk

Genetic testing is nonsense and wars on cancer (like Nikon's) only make things worse. It's all to sell stuff.


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Is that where they’re getting that statistic from? You know that for sure?

I do think the treatments for cancer (radiation, chemo) are not the way to go. And I read your piece on the BRCA genes and find it aligned with my own thinking.

I hope you’re right, I hope they’re just cooking with numbers to provoke reactions and not actually looking at upticks in cancers in half the population.

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From the CDC website https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/dcpc/data/index.htm it says that of June 2022 the most recent cancer stats are from 2019. And they showed roughly 4 in 1000 getting a new diagnosis of cancer- and 1 in 1000 dying of cancer, so that would be similar to the lifetime risk too.

If they have any new cancer stats post jabs they're not on the website that I can see.

I think you've probably seen this on chemotherapy but will put for completeness https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/how-effective-is-chemotherapy 'Only 10% of FDA approved drugs show any improvement in survival at all! Of this 10% an improvement in 5 year survival is only seen in 1 in 100 patients. The extension in survival in these patients is on average about 2 months.' it's more likely the expensive therapy will kill you, or at best make your life miserable, than the cancer.

I don't think there is evidence for increases in cancer yet, but if they are not publishing the data we can't know.


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Yes, indeed. Which is why I’m thinking that the commercials are predictive programming into accepting a huge overall increase in cancer, not in the data as of yet. Did you see Monica Hughe’s article on Coley’s Toxins? Just wondering what your thoughts are if you have the time.

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I had a brief look. Of course bacteria are not infectious nor pathogenic though injecting them, or any biological material, will cause inflammation. Viruses don't exist so they can't cause spontaneous remissions of cancer either.

The appearance of having an 'infection' ie a detox healing event could be beneficial and prevent mortality from whatever was causing the cancer though.

I'm with the German New Medicine of the New Biology or whatever we are calling it! The cancer is the healing. The cause of the cancer is suppressed emotion, or dietary or environmental toxins. Removing the cause of the cancer, by the body doing spontaneous detoxing, mistakenly thought to be viral, may indeed improve the health. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/nothing-in-nature-is-meaningless

I would not inject dead bacteria to induce inflammation (if that's what coley's toxins are?) though - this would put stress on the body, like chemo and I don't think this anecdotal evidence, not discounting placebo effect, is sufficient. the body knows what it's doing. it needs to be supported not worked against.


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And do you think that the body can return to health no matter in which stage of cancer it’s in if it takes detox routes and changes diet, environment, and stress level?

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I am a beginner not an expert, but I think the 'stage' of the cancer (the healing phase of the internal conflict, not the a disease, according to GNM) is an unhelpful construct. The tumour may still be growing even after the resolution of the internal conflict, but that's ok, unless it is uncomfortable or pressing on something it can be left there.

It's thought that metastases are new 'shocks' and don't originate from a primary cancer, so there is no fear of that.

so yes realisation and resolution of emotional issues, will, according to GNM, return the body to health even in 'late stage' cancers (GNM's healing phase).


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"Now, why are we normalizing that half of the population will be getting cancer? Asking for, well, half the population."

Not to be the ultimate voice of gloom but it's got to be worse than that now. Doing research for my gmo film in 2005 stats posted at CDC cancer risk was 1:3 women and 1:2 men.. we had a screenshot and Jeffery Smith did final fact check so not a chance that data is wrong.

It's impossible for me to believe any element of human health has improved while our toxic exposures, chemical diets and Rx drugs in use are soaring ever skyward.

Even if we look at the last data for "recognized carcinogens" dumped yearly and extrapolate from 2001 when TRI data collection was ended by Dubbya Bush so Ground Zero air cold be called safe.

Over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation's environment each year, including 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens. Scorecard can give you a detailed report on chemicals being released from any of 20,000 industrial facilities, or a summary report for any area in the country.


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Are you saying we’ve been at this stat for awhile? My own empirical evidence wouldn’t put the stat that high. Even now, with what I think are vax induced cancers in my Dunbar circle, the stat isn’t that high- young or old.

But I agree about the toxins- we can prevent quite a bit of cancer diagnoses if we cleaned up the air/food/soil/water/medicine. I can’t open that link. I’d like to look how it’s looking over here in Chicago. I gotta get my family outta here.

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It seemed high to me at the time but that was CDC claim. The link should work I just checked but if you have a problem it's easy to take the original URL and search Wayback for that alone for total captures - http://scorecard.goodguide.com/env-releases/us-map.tcl

Saved 134 times between December 30, 2010 and November 3, 2020... click any blue dot


My link 2012 -


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Wow, firm control of the mind space. Leading people step by step by step.

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This is chilling. I do not watch TV so have no idea what the commercials are doing these days. But wow. It seems to me they are prepping everyone for the coming deluge.

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Publicis Groupe - they've been writing the narratives since the start.

Now they're "Cooling the Mark(s)".

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And here is the CEOs of Publicis and Microsoft working together to institute an AI program into Publicis Group and their employees - five years ago!. First of its kind in their industry. So maybe now the AI is just churning out these commercials for them.


The CEO of Publicis just got over cancer in his neck. Vax anyone?

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It looks so scripted.

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Never heard of them. What are their affiliations?

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Global PR Management - so WHO/WEF, NATO, CDC/CIA/DoD, it seems like. That's who made that first commercial, about Cancer in the workplace. I've been hearing there name mentioned in relationship to the Plandemic narratives, for some time now.

Since this Narrative is GLOBAL(ist) - perhaps they made the most sense for contracts. In the past the US has gone with: The Rendon Group, Westhill Partners, Burson-Marstellar, etc.. Think Kuwaiti Incubators, Kosovo Genocide, WMDs, and the like.

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I can’t believe they haven’t been on my radar until now. This globalist cult is really too big for any one person to grasp all the operatives.

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I couldn't even watch it all the way through. Talk about fear-mongering. IDK how people can watch the MSM, what with all the drug commercials and crap like this.

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Yes, I’m with you. I don’t think I’ve watched anything on the tele in three years. It’s isn’t just the commercial, it’s the shows, too.

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I know Netflix is evil, but I do use it from time to time, and I can't even watch most of the previews on their shows. So dark and yes, programmed. Creepy. Not to mention seeing chemtrails in all the shows/movies. I can't help noticing that now. :(

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That’s an interesting observation.

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Good catch!

I didn't watch the Super Bowl so I wouldn't have seen it. Thanks!!

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I didn’t watch the Super Bowl either. A friend sent me the YouTube link.

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Yes now it's half of us, and we know this is true because we learned it in an alpha wave state where our conscious awareness was not required, a d this news was delivered gently and with nice music, so we took it in without question or doubt.

So, devious and creepy and ubiquitous and by all means don't notice that you - the viewer - are not just being programmed to accept this fate, but also commoditized in the calculation.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

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Brought to you by, Pfizer.

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Yes, Kathleen. Yes. This is how hypnosis works. I'll go even further and say it not only programs us to ACCEPT this fate, it programs us to CREATE this fate. Why else does someone die on the very day, six months TO THE DAY of an MD in a white coat saying, "You have 6 months to live."? That is programming, too. We make manifest what WE BELIEVE SUBCONSCIOUSLY. And they know it.

Sorry for all the capitalization... I'm so passionate about this stuff...

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Yikes. But then.. is it equally easy to program positive beliefs? Can we make those commercials please? Send em over.

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I think you’re onto something there.

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New concept for Mary and hubs? Create your own positive propaganda! I need this. Every morning. Affirmations are good but music and all the works would be even better.

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It ABSOLUTELY works. Hubby's got a thriving YouTube channel with that kind of positive programming: https://www.youtube.com/@BlueSkyHypnosis

It's mostly long-form content... so I'm going to float the idea of positive shorts -- like commercials -- to him. GREAT IDEA!! xox

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Yes I've seen that happen several times myself, a loved-one dies almost exactly according to the prognosis of an MD in a white coat - both my husband and my father followed that pattern.

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I'm sorry, Jen. How very painful to witness.

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Yes, thank you. I will be writing on these "Expectation Effects" soon...

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Excellent point, Mary. It drives me nuts too when I hear about those prognoses.

I get it - no apologies needed!

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Ugh. When you put it like that...

I think we need one of those TikTokers who do those “if commercials were actually truthful” rendition of these two atrocities.

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Biden has mentioned 'beating cancer' a few different times as well -- almost as if they know there's going to be a huge increase in cancers over the next decade or so.

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Really makes you wonder about all those poor people dying of TB after they mandated the smallpox vaccines in the 19th century, doesn't it?

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Ok, I didn’t put these two together before...but...

Why do you think not many are dying of TB now? Different pox vax?

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Have you read "Dissolving Illusions", Tonika? It is a real eye-opener. I'm now prepared to believe that all that ravaging disease of the Victorian era was largely due to the smallpox vax, plus the squalid living conditions, of course. And I guess the current interesting jabs have more effect on the circulatory system (clots and heart issues) than the respiratory, along with the cancer effect. But I'm kind wildly guessing, I have to admit. Guessing with a chunk of excellent intuition!

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I’ve only seen excellent intuition from you, so I trust it. :) I haven’t read the book, it’s on my long list. But that one and the Turtles All the Way Down one get quoted so much around me, I feel like I’ve read sizeable chunks.

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Yes, I need to read the Turtles one too. It's insane that most people have no idea there are any safety issues at all with all these injections...

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I noticed him bringing it up, yes.

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There is a God awful commercial that runs during Flyers games that makes me think of Bill Hicks non-joke about advertising folks.

first place I could find it: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230206005102/en/Bayer%C2%AE-Aspirin-Continues-Long-standing-Commitment-to-Heart-Health-Education-Encouraging-Sports-Fans-to-Keep-Their-Heart-in-the-Game-as-the-Official-Sponsor-of-Fans%E2%80%99-Hearts

Bill Hicks not telling a joke


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OMG I just watched the Bill Hicks not a joke clip, awesome!! I never even heard of him before... that was perfect, thx for sharing that one.

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Of course, we’ve been watching sporting events for decades and sure, someone somewhere has gotten a heart attack, but anymore than in any other place, say, a restaurant? Or is it that normalizing it for the fans also means normalizing it for the young healthy athletes?

Love Bill Hicks.

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He also wasn't telling a joke here either ...


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That Presidential debriefing has stayed with me always. Makes me wonder why the otherwise brilliant analysis on that book about Consensus by that MIT guy seems to stop short when it comes to where the buck should stop.

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Today I got a notice in the mail, directed at members of my county (so something state sponsored, OR) that my SS benefits (which I am a full 10 years from collecting, due to recent changes of 67 being retirement at full benefits) can be used TO PAY FOR MY FUNERAL, UP TO 25,000. WTF. So I taped about 10 pennies inside the self addressed prepaid envolope and sent it back to them, with some choice words....they have to pay the postage of about 10 envolopes worth of mail.....and they will not know who sent it back....

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That's CRAZY..WTF??? Great way to respond though, nicely done...

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But seriously, I don’t understand, are they saying they’ll pay for your funeral before if you’re the one making the arrangements? How does that even work? Who deals with the bill when you’re dead? The state? Are they just paying themselves? I am confused.

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