The powers that be do most of their plotting out in the open I'm afraid. It's just said euphemistic language and put down in writing in legalese. I mean most of the world is sitting in Plato's cave. Most anyone can decipher what they are saying and doing if they are curious, but when you go to tell someone they'll be rolling their eyes before you can finish and demand you get back to staring at the shadows dancing on the cave wall.

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“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music”

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PS I'm not sure that even i could eat vegan food without dollopings of soy sauce x

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Hahahaha! Yes, that part is the hardest. Hands down.

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Thank you Tonika and thinking of you xxx

Yes, indications that someone has signed up for Klaus' vague though surely evil agenda to “together shape a future that works for all by putting people first, empowering them and constantly reminding ourselves that all of these new technologies are first and foremost tools made by people for people." range from donning an orthopaedic boot to starting a paedophile ring. It obviously includes anyone and everyone who has ever been to or spoken at Davos.

Health freedom have included in the alleged cabal the masons and scientologists, who signal to each other with one eye or tented fingers (I know that Russel Brand has to sit on his hands in case he accidentally starts a war) for fun and to relieve the boredom. In dull meetings we also used to see how many Abba song titles we could slip into our reports.

It's also lots of fun for health freedom at a loose end to trawl the net and spot celebs 'throwing up the moose'. Is this a sign that they're planning to steal our money so we can't buy their memoirs or worse, to thin out the population? Or is it for clicks,profit and publicity?

Do actors generally yearn for smaller audiences or bigger ones?


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Hi Jo! Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.

I responded to your post, so I won’t go on here. But I had forgotten to add this observation in my stack which I’ll do now:

When I was doing theatre, the hardest job always fell on the stage manager. They had to organize and keep all moving parts running like a ballet, both in and off stage. And this is with all participants actively knowing what the end goal is. We would get the opportunity night, after night, to get it just right, but the thing about live theatre that makes it exciting is that you never know what to expect. Now, imagine scaling that up on a global level. How on earth does it all work without tipping everyone off eventually?

Having said all this, I still think there’s a cabal at work. I just don’t think they’re as capable or as improvisational as we give them credit for.

I obviously oscillate on this issue a lot. 😂

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I don't think it's a cabal, i think it's a cartel. They mostly agree, with slight differences eg war with Russia or China, or making money from producing ridiculously large electric cars rather than from enormous petrol cars.

The script is written by experts at the MIC and is given to politicians and media owners who financially benefit from reading it correctly. The propaganda is very effective as most people don't even hear it as such. It is also repeated over and over. Eg Putin's 'unprovoked full scale invasion' 'safe and effective'.

Occasionally some actors appear to go off script and eg speak out for Gaza, but this may be just releasing the pressure a bit.

Parts of the script are also written, and read by people who financially benefit, to lead people off on a goose chase, to misdirect audience attention, to distract from how industry and the profits of the cartel are affecting the planet.

You don't need a stage manager when interests (the bottom line) converge.


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That’s very true. Aligned incentives and the almighty buck are powerful forces. But the dollar is crashing and the cans have been kicked down the roads til there is no more road left. This feels different. Which is why I’m starting to lean into cabal. Especially as it would appear many occult fractions have been meddling into higher powers for a long time. Or, more accurately, higher powers have been meddling into gnostic practices. It’s hard to examen that which is outside of the scope of one’s understanding so I have to approach it through a set of simple questions and of course, listen to others whose scope of understanding might be different than mine. Curiosity is damn appealing tho! So I keep at it!

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The dollar is crashing as though the propaganda machine may be an expert, the military machine is a total twit.

The US and the mighty buck may be going down but BRICS and the yuan is rising and rising. Another reason I can't believe in a global cabal. Unless the cabal is actually the Global Majority lifting millions out of poverty!

Yes, I like your attitude - listening and staying open


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> If there is a global cabal afoot ... if there is a cabal, one assumes there is a hierarchy of some caliber, how do orders get passed down among the ranks?...


my view which is set deeply in history (which is propaganda by the winners) one also needs to read contrasting history, and be profoundly skeptical. With that out of the way back to history, global cabal, etc.

Current situation we find ourselves is not an accident. Folks who have a full tummy, have no problem wanting gold more than food.

It took a long time to condition the world (or at least westernized) populations to accept gold as equivalent in worth to food. As Professor Michael Hudson points out is his book "Forgive them their debts", it started about 10,000 years ago in the Tigris Euphrates river valley, in Sumer and later Babylon. What started? Three things as I recall. 1) God Kings, 2) Temples/Grain storage, 3) Priest or Religious hierarchy/Banking.

Which created the idea of money, then shortly their after, share cropping with the the Bank, the failing the farmer ended up in slavery.

His book is worth a read. Because when the European's colonized the world, the First peoples never confused the value of gold (pretty) with life or the value of food to give life. They could not be bought with trinkets, beads or gold.

A story of an Indian Chief who sold his interest in the Tribal Lands (which the Indians never believed one could own) was then told to tell the tribe to move off the land.

He laughed at the idea. He said if I tried to tell them to move, they would all laugh at me for making such a big joke. But move they will not. I only sold you my portion.

It went something like that. The first peoples the world over never confused gold as more valuable or even equivalent in value to food. Only conditioned people like ourselves make that mistake.


If there is a cabal then AI maybe important. The control is exercised on our minds. All the data that can be gathered correlated and graphed is input and processed by AI which provides images on what the data means. The cabal is guided by that graphed data.

Raise a price there, have a lock down there, and people who are now basically conceived as human animals in CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) having all their inputs, food, emotional stimulation/suppression, cognitive inputs etc, are easily herded.


I believe humanity is being culled. That is like a fruit tree, or animal breeding program, pruning or culling, conditions and strengthens the desirable qualities and eliminates the undesired.

If this is not the case why is true health of body mind and emotions, as well as Earth/Gaia, not a priority*. Rather we have a sh*t storm of inputs that weaken, confuse, and cause untimely loss of functions leading to death.

If someone thinks this is the best of all worlds, why in the USA has health and longevity (4th in the world in 1970 and in 2020 79th) been tanking?

*Think about the Amish in Lancaster County PA. They have continuously farmed their land for over 250 years, yet the soil is as fertile today as it was when they first began farming. To live free of CAFOs we need to be part of the Earth. The Amish are. There are others. But not many, as they are slowly being exterminated or put on reservations as happened to the Amer Indians.

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Forgive me how long it’s taken me to reply to this. Lots of wisdom in here and great examples to boot. I’ve been dealing with treatment and healing reactions and it has wiped me out.

I want to chime in about the Amish: although not directly to your point, there seems to be a cancer epidemic within the Amish community. I do see quite a bit of them in Tijuana, receiving alternative treatments like I am. When I inquired, my doctor seems to think it’s correlated to not enough diversification in the gene pool within their small communities. Do you know anything about this?

I do think it’s in the best interest of the cabal to cull a large swath of the population. Even if not for Malthusian purposes, for the sake of easier control. The neofeudalist ideals will create a more “peaceful” existence, perhaps, but it would be within the realms of serfdom. And that is too unnatural for humanity to swallow, I imagine, sooner or later, in our lifetime, or in the next, there will be an uprising.

I like the thought that a few of us can create parallel societies outside of the matrix and ride the storm out. I’m envisioning something akin to a two tier society: one in which large portions of people reside in 15 min cities, accompanied by AI commodities, their needs “met” but with coming to terms with a life without a true purpose or a life void of the quest of purpose. The second tier, a society which tills the earth and deals with ills as they come, at mercy to nature (which doesn’t wish to kill its children) but also celebrated for co-creating life as it is lived. The big question to me is would Tier One overlords allow Tier Two communities to live in peace?

These are feverish thoughts, forgive me if they don’t quite match what you’re saying. It’s what was brought up in me.

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I didn't reply to the rest of your thoughts, only to the initial question. Here is some quick takes.


I don't believe a two tier system can really exist. We are already serfs and peasant. Just to "STUFFED AND STARVED" (Raj Patel) to realize it. Media medicated etc.


The Oligarchs control all wealth and therefore all land. There is now no where to run and no place to hide. All you can do is your best. That maybe enough.


I believe going to Bulgaria is about the sanest thing you can do. Even there you will find your path to robust health obstructed. We live in a grim time. But I am happy. Genie and I do our very best to be well, care for the Earth and learn to stand within the Earth (including sea vegetation). Others would characterize us as self sufficient. We may appear so. But truthfully we are just closer to the Earth than most.


Still at any time our lives can be taken from us. As long as we are uninteresting to the blob we will thrive. But like bugs under a rock (we garden and turn rocks over from time to time) our lives can be disrupted. That is why we take care turning over rocks and take care as best we can in relocating the critters we find there. Such is life ~ bill

PS the other day while paying cash for gas I met a man who looked pretty good. I commented positively on his healthy appearance. He told me he was 60. He asked me how old I was. I am 73. He said, “man you don’t look like it at all”. Being healthy for the long run is all I can do. Care for as much of life as comes our way.

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Thanks. Inspiring anecdote. I’m doing my best. You have a partner who is one the same wavelength as you. I have a bigger family whose goals and worldview are not aligned. Doing my best to bring us all together.

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I get that. It is really hard.


Funny thing Genie met me when I was broke so to speak (still am). So she and I joined as odd ducks. She tells me women in general are EVIL. Not as a put down. When you think of the birds the female has to find a male that will help make a good nest and help feed the kids etc. So she has to be sly. Why? If sex wasn't so strongly and mindlessly driven, who would want the job of life after sex. So women have to be sly. I love her insight. She isn't putting women down. She is talking in English and she is not an English speaker. She is Korean. So I love her candor. It is just great!

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Society has gotten to be a bit topsy-turvy. We’ve moved away from the expectation of what to expect from gender roles. And women have had to do what they can to survive. And yes, that means possibly being sly, too. We don’t necessarily need to go back to complete traditional ways. We just need to talk about what we want without society implying one way is right and another is wrong. But this all goes back to the fact that young people don’t feel comfortable in their own skin, they often meander, purposelessly, knowing that deep down something is missing.

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> When I inquired, my doctor seems to think it’s correlated to not enough diversification in the gene pool within their small communities. Do you know anything about this?

REPLY: I believe it is NONSense. The Hutterite are even more closely related than the Amish and have been studied carefully to understand why they do not have geneticly diseased or disabled offspring.

Please go here when you have time - https://www.bopsecrets.org/rexroth/communalism.htm


For me the bottom line to health is accounting for all the toxins in our environment. Certainly much of the Chem Trail stuff is poisoning all of us including the Amish. I would need to know a good deal more about the land management and their way of maintaining soil fertility. I believe unless they are composting with sea vegetation or adding it to their diet they have mineral deficiencies. Deficiencies lead to a host of diseases including Cancer. You will gain some insight into the importance of minerals by reading the Mineral book carefully.


Surprisingly the European people perhaps 20,000 years ago or more, were forced to give up incorporating sea vegetation in their diet. A very abrupt break appears in the dental evidence. While eating sea vegetation their teeth indicated it strongly ( Sadly I didn't keep the article or the link) then rather abruptly it stops. I used the word FORCED because the Asians that eat traditional diets that include an abundance of sea weed would need to be physically abused to make such change in their diet.


Asia, India and the Islanders of the Pacific have a strong connection to the Ocean. For example Koreans (very inbred actually) are closer genetically than I am with my brothers. Traditionally eat abundant amount of sea weed and kelp. They also ferment almost everything (as they had no means of refrigeration). All these kinds of food lead to robust health, which the Koreans had prior to the US coming to Korea during the war there.


My strong suspicion is there animals are also having health problems. I suspect that over the years (though they compost very much. Good on them) their soil has lost certain trace minerals that lead to robust health. It was gradual and now for apparently no reason they are getting cancer. Just a hunch on my part. I don’t have enough info to speculate intelligently.


Let me know whot you think of my response. Thanks. ~bill

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Yes, that seems to resonate that the Amish are having a delayed response to mineral depletion. I read an article somewhere that they’re still finding traces of DDT in breast milk of Eskimo women and that has been supposedly banned for the last 50 years or whenever Rachel Carlson’s book came out.

Of course, the fermentation stuff hits home with me, as we’ve spoken before at lengths, as I come from a culture that takes pickling very seriously and there are places in the mountains of Bulgaria that have very spry centenarians.

I was genuinely surprised to see the Amish down here. I’ll try and strike a conversation as they hang outside in the gardens quite a bit. But I feel a little intimidated as they keep to themselves. And they don’t go to my clinic. I think they’re going to one of the bigger ones in the Playa because I see more Amish folks walking around that area. I’ll try and find out more.

Thanks for your robust reply.

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I wish you all the very best!!

And the relaxedness and confidence to really sense what serves and heals you most... My mom did a form of diet without any effect except that she suffered psychologically, on top...

I assume freeing oneself is individual. There might be just as many ways as there are people. But I do not know. Maybe, it is all about doing what one really is convinced of in order to not have to regret in the end. Who knows.

Your question is great:

Michel Warden mentioned the "spiritual" dimension to it. Never underestimate the evil.

I dare ask: do you really want anybody with knowledge or assumptions to overtly inform AI about there being someone to know? Sure he'd be targeted next....

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I didn’t think about the consequences, but I figure we’re better off talking about it than not even if they know we know. It’s gonna get harder to talk about anything the more we stay silent.

Thank you for the good wishes. I think you put your finger on something there with doing what you won’t forget because you believed in it. I also happen to think that you’re more likely to succeed if you believe in it as well.

And I agree with Michael that there might be some kind of underlying “force”. We can call it evil and it might be just as straight forward, but it also can be the conditioning of us losing our way as a society.

But my question was more practical in regards to the mechanics of communication. I do think orders are being doled out on some level. Not everything can happen telepathically, it’s too broad and vague. I’m asking about the nitty gritty of how the psychopaths communicate. And the reason I find the answers often unsatisfactory is because I think the entire world is watching and the sleuths would connect the dots fast.

But I do agree with you and Michael about the underlying source in general.

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hm, to me it is not an abstract force or concept. I know what I am talking about being targeted. From what you write I think you do not.... It is used, deliberately, consequently, systematically. Telepathy is part of the communication though I guess (not more than that!) the organsiations use coded language and usual means of communication as well. Have you seen/read about or spoken to people who have escaped the well-organised world-spanning networks of s..? Those who have been programmend, conditioned, numbers and symbols such as a butterfly or numbers or the gay-flag being the triggers? Things like that?

Michael wrote about it and those who know understand more of it. The constitutional forces in the networks deliberately creating psychopaths to my estimation go together with them communcating in ways not describable to those who have no experience of dealing with such forces, techniques and "energies".

On the social level, to me there is not much to be added to Michael's description. But I recon, those who have an idea what he is writing about understand it more deeply. Those who don't, read it and do not see the depth of the answer even if it is in front of them.. The same, to my oppinion, holds true for all the other symbols. Solely, the 6-colour flag used as symbol for sexual tolerance at many supermarkets in Germany, is said to be a symbol within s... it triggers those who are victims. But the public does not recognise. How can you tell there is something true about it? There is no whatsoever information online as to this symbol... Why not? Might be the AI reads out all the possible info and it is deleted rightaway. Let's see whether I encounter the next private catastrophe soon(er or later) or whether the comment is being deleted one or the other way.. I am serious, not joking...

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You’re right, I don’t think I’m being directly targeted, so I don’t know what I’m talking about. Or maybe I don’t know if I’m being targeted so I haven’t put two and two together yet. I believe in fair amount of woo woo, including that energy can heal. So I suppose, by that rational, I also believe that energy can damage.

I think symbology plays a part in social engendering, although I don’t claim to know what specific symbols or if I suspect particular ones, I don’t know what specifically they mean. I see that censorship is definitely revving up and AI surely will help pinpoint the dissenters with much better accuracy or speed, but we’re still rather creative, is humans, and we will prevail. Michael calls it “complex theory” but I’ve always referred to it as simply believing that nature balances itself so good prevails because it is life affirming; evil fails because it is not sustaining. That’s my surface level understanding anyway. :)

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P.S. I LOVE the Moose story so much!! I had a real one in my front yard last summer. :) 🫎

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Did you write about the moose?!!

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I'm going with the decrepit Rothschild all alone in a room somewhere, because it made me laugh so much. Besides that, I could do some research and ask the Mayor of Bristol how he talks to his Evil Overlords. He might be so surprised he lets the truth slip out?

All the very very best for your treatment, Tonika, and come through it all in a better place. I'll be thinking of you. xxx

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Many thanks, Helen! So far so good!

If you do ask the Bristol mayor about his overlords, tell him Moloch eats the Mandarins in the end anyway. And they’ll even pair him with a nice glass of Chianti.

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I might just do that. Funny that all the Mandarins don't seem to get this.

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Good we can laugh at the insanity, don't you think? Laughter heals... :) I'm so far down on that rung that I surely don't have the answers.

Sending you so much healing LOVE, Tonika. Your Substack family is no doubt wrapping you in loving arms. I'll bet that sun can't wait to start shining down on you. We've got a snowstorm headed our way... XOXOXO

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Yes, a friend just send me a picture of snow in Chicago! The sun sure has been smiling every day I’ve been in TJ! And yes on laughter!! My moon and I have been laughing so hard while here. I thought it was tensión relief as I’m sure the pressure valve of the last two months has been finally released, but it has us feeling so light and happy!!

Feeling all the love and care. How lucky am I?!? Truly a wonderful feeling!

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O I do. The nature of the narrative is that it is machine like, certain people will (as long as the story, language remains the same) naturally fall into an assigned role, which is why the american justice, the revenge plots, the triumphalism all need to radically change. It's not enough to arrest type X for X crimes against humanity, the entire story that allowed for the creation of X needs to be changed. It's why we don't get healthcare or guaranteed housing or tax breaks for local non industrial farms, as long as we're grinding, being forced to participate in the narrative, nothing needs to change, and that5 kind of brutalism will always produce survivors who will easily fit into villain rolls;-)

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I’m such a hippie but I do believe in the inherent goodness of men. I think we are going through a transformation as a species. And I want to be around for it. I want to be around for what could be the greatest love story of human kind. Why not?

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Hey T,

Some interesting comments in here. At the end of the day, the short answer to this is that they do not have to.

EVERYTHING has to do with control. Upon having rigged all the systems, financial, governmental, legal/judicial, education/media, technological, etc. etc. They've been playing the long game for centuries. The thought that it cannot run apart from any single one or more of them is ridiculous.

I thought that, over time, my free time, I'd try to put up a brief set of explanatory pieces explaining how it all runs.

At the end of the day however, it's all organized from the top down, and that top is the banking/financial SYSTEM, and a SYSTEM designed to control it is.

There's planning at the micro levels, like the WEF, whose participants are mere pawns in the grasp of the owners of the Central Banking System, the owners of the Federal Reserve and the B.I.S. under which the Fed and all of the other sister orgs in other countries sits.

I'd write more here, but it's a complex topic that really takes some serious time to understand due to the understanding of how the world is organized, and how long that would take.

That's why the legendary "Octopus" cartoon of the Fed was created.


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I know we started to talk about this last year and barely scratched the surface. I think when I get back, we have to do that catch up phone call. We just have to. It’s on me. I’ll make it happen. You have connected a lot of dots.

I think I’ve done a fair amount of research into the topics you’ve mentioned before. I’m better suited to understand some of your connections.

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My thoughts exactly on the phonecon.

Get well!! You know where to find me. LOL

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I read most of this last night, but got distracted by the amusing time traveling video discussion. I didn't see Donnie Darko coming. Amusing. I suspect "time traveler" is a way to gloss over "we prepared this for a long time, suckers."

I have you have a special journey.

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Thanks for taking the time to go down a fun rabbit hole! And yes, day two of treatment and feeling goooooooood!

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Glad you're feeling good! And glad that you prepared. You're amazing!

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Great post, Tonika. I’m going to think of some signs.👌🏾

In the meantime, here’s a sign 🪧 which means I’m sending love and fortitude... just give that C the boot in Mexico. You got this! ✨🇲🇽 🥾

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Hell yeah!! 👊 🙏 💪

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The boot club? I think this time "they's jus' fuckin' wit' ya". For sure the one-eye gesture, and "the devil's handsign" for that matter, signified alliegance to a club, but this gesture, if that's what it is, is too obtuse to fit with the above. Maybe a more individual self-humiliating/abasement gesture. Really though, this is not the kind of food your mind needs to be snacking on (right now). On that note, the joking salad picture gave me a chuckle. And two months without a real meal, you poor dear. No salt is a bit extreme though. I don´t do table salt, but see sea salt as marine minerals. Did you know that with just a little attention, to do with sterility more than anything else, seawater can be used as a blood transfusion substitute? Its composition is that close to that of our blood.

So, some more sats in your hat, though I wish I was flush enough to drop a bit in your bonnet.

I take my hat off to your jumping and trusting that you'll be borne by things out of your control. Brava

Have a great Gerson

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Haha! Having great Gerson, indeed!

The sats go a long way, much appreciated!

I did not know that about sea water. Huh! Very interesting. Yeah, the salt thing is tough. Good for you to not do the table salt. Pure poison!

I love the “ jumping off and trusting that you’ll be born by things out of your control.” Pure poetry. Captures my sentiment exquisitely.

As far as the boot club… yeah, I know, I’m mostly staying away from cabal conversations. Keeping my worldview as lighthearted as possible, given the circumstance. But I also find it entertaining in the “emperor’s clothes” kinda way. However, my indoor about how they communicate still stands.

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Always in my thoughts, my heart and my prayers. Good luck for your treatment ! xx

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Mersi bocoup, dear Jen! 🙏 blessings!

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En français!! Bravo, Ton!!! Blessings xx

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There's a writer's version of Throwing Up The Moose. I know of one who used to write a lot of radio drama and when doing, say, a six part series, over about six to eight days he set puzzles hidden in the script. Often he had all his characters' surnames with a common denominator and would invite everyone to find what it was. One time it was brewers (makes sense since he loved his beer) and another puzzle was a song title hidden in every episode . He'd then challenge the whole company (actors and tech crew) to come up with the solution. First one to get it won a prize. Usually a case of beer funnily enough, though no-one ever got the brewers one so he had to drink the beer himself! Hope it all goes will in Tijuana.

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I love how clever that is! I wrote a show once and created scavenger hunts for free tickets around the city. Some of the marketing for the show turned out better than the site itself. 😂

Thanks for the good wishes! So far so good! Day one of treatment ✅!

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ha ha I think that's that's kinda like the ol' Raccoon Lodge signin' Ralph & Norton gave each other on the Honeymooners! (a tee-riffic old comedy show with great ensemble actin'--worth a look-see if ya don't know it) --- I myself never threw up a Moose (not even a chocolate Mousse -- though had Rosemary done that she wouldn't a had that "baby!"--ha, but I digress). Yup we both had shows whar trippin' up would be a game--the banana in the drawer whar the knife should'a been, the photo of the monkey on the "letter" -- all never seen by the audience natch!

As fer how they communicate--I think that since Killary got caught with her pants down with that server in the loo, an' since pizzagate they likely have burner phones when it comes to meetin's an' other sich stuff--or secure stand-alone 'puters runnin' some souped up version of Linux--not rocket science. If usin' "social mee-dia" they signal but that's fer simple stuff--like a glove 'er a card from the deck (Mister Hank(s)-ie duz that an' also uses bespoke handkerchiefs!). Conferences are likely done on local servers, recordin's of 'em encrypted on thumb drives 'cept the ones they want us ta know about--them war games that tip us off ta what's planned next.. Hate ta say it but that angle for them--communicatin'--is EASY-- More'n once I wrote about gettin' good-guy-n'-gal hackers ta "break up" their conferences, war games, Ieeeee connections, meetin's etc by screwin' with connections an' trashin' their power "pernts" but that is sooooo far from my wheelhouse-- fer sure they'ze dependent on tech tho'--it all could be brought down but as Sabrina Wallace sez "those are jobs folks"

So quotin' one'a the pieces I wrote 'bout that:


A few excerpts of my thoughts on stoppin' them communicatin' with each other AND designin' our kill boxes...

"SO you mostly young tech-a-matic morons (no matter how schmart you THINK y’are)....

Stop PROGRAMMIN’ an’ CREATIN’ software (an’ hardware) that monitors-nay-controls our health, lives, decisions an’ every move we make! also every breath we take! (sorry phil) Whuther it’s CBDC platforms ‘er “KILL SWITCHES” fer cars...all’ve it—any of it! Stop!!!!

Stop WATCHIN’ screens an’ monitors that SPY on folks, their bodily functions (oh yes indeedy they do this), their vital signs, even if they take their meds! their phone calls via STINGRAY an’ others…

Stop GANGSTALKING private citizens via job programs like Signature Reduction Force an’ others sponsored by the DOD /Army

Stop cyber-supportin’ ALL TRAFFICKING operations! I’m talkin’ ‘bout the elite “Finders” clubs an’ many other “secret” UNDERGROUND OPERATIONS that run from military bases to beneath Walmarts to the White House involvin’ every branche of our deranged gubbamint AND the “Alphabets.” This is not just CHILD traffickin’ but ORGAN, DRUG, WEAPONS, MONEY LAUNDERIN’ & beyond! I’m talkin’ bout the folks that facilitate these “businesses” with both cyber surveillance systems (protection fer the traffickers) AND cyber security systems programmed to funnel laundered funds, humans, drugs, weapons (bioweapons!) an’ all other fishy stuff smoothly an’ efficiently from suppliers to “buyers.”

Stop DESIGNIN’ spyware that is in every cell phone, computer, an’ SMART DEVICE (yer LED lights even! yer FitBit, yer phone, yer gol-durned blender!) that gives every real live human a reason to be more ‘n paranoid

Stop IMPROVING our KILL BOXES with tech that sends out body-harmful signals where folks live an’ work. Cuz yes Virginia, there is a SATAN (real or conceptual) an’ he WANTS US DEAD. Now “Satan” doesn’t just inform the doity doin’s of the Mistah Globals an’ Illuminatti Puppet Meisters— He takes the form (no shape shifin’ needed—but shifty he iz!) of an ordinary dude in Vans an’ some “Killer Clown” t-shirt, vapin’ an’ suckin’ down Red BULL an’ figgerin’ out ways to bathe us all in EMFs, sprinkle us with flesh-eatin’ bioweapons, an’ nail us into our home-coffins (or city/shitty coffins!) with DAWs (not just cut n’ burn MaoWhee style but with DAW lasers aimed right at our ever-lovin’ brains!). MAKIN’ FOLKS dwell in their own kill boxes—all via more tech than’d fill the Pyramid of “Geezer!”

AND SO ON... (I went on with other idears at the "jobs folks")--but my drift is--the SAME folks that are craftin' our diggy-tale HELL on EARTH daily are indeed the same TechWeenies that ALLOW the CABAL to COMMUNICATE--it's all "cyberworld" JOBS... so we gotta go after those young'uns an' convince 'em that ruinin' life for all humans just ta git free lattes delivered an' some explodin' EV scooter as a perk ain't worth it...

AS for signalin'--specific ta the Moose Call (Lodge Signs) of course but that's not truly communicatin' -- love the foot boot tho'--oh an' raccoon / panda eyes one OR two is Adrenochrome--that's a whole trope. So signalin' is fer two reasons--one is they have to signal to the cabal they are "with 'em"--whuther it's The Donald (Jesuit dude) or like every lousy viddeyo twerkin' "star" 'er rapper dude or Hollyweird "actor" (in quotes cuz I don't know whut's actin' any more!)--they have to signal humiliation--men in tutus, ladies half nekked--that's signalin' fer the cabal / illuminati stuff--but not really conveyin' a message (das Boot has gotta be humiliation--crutches, bandages too I've seen). Meanin' is understood...

Trippin' 'em up by scramblin' their signals (not just the signalin' part but their actual messagin') could indeed work... but I do think their day-to-day exchanges are purdy basic an' not in code--an' they save their "Racooon Lodge"-like antics fer Bohemian Grove an' other dark spots all over Your-Up!

Anywhoo--thems my 2 cents plain onnit--

Tonika, I'm sendin' ya blessin's an' healin' moose-ical vibrations & xos an' mighty good wishes fer yer journey there--may the healers do ya right an' may ya be spared any discomforts in the process (eatin' vegan alone fer me would be a supreme discomfort but I know yer doin' all ya kin ta help yerself an' it's worth all the temporary sacrifices in "creature comforts") for ya. Bein' no fan of tech, I'll say that at least may it afford ya time ta connect with yer fambly durin' your treatments--one savin' grace as I know how hard it must be to be away from yer kids an' loved ones.

Signin' off with a Moose Call! an' with hopes fer days ahead where we all kin "Throw up the Moose" in fun an' trod them boards again' without steppin' in moose droppin's!

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Hear, hear!! There’s that Daisy rant! Before I go off to reading that stack link, lemme just say thank you, first of all, for all the wonderful wishes, also say that, yes, I know The Honeymooners, although perhaps I should watch it with new eyes; and lastly, I wanna tell you an anecdote that a fellow thespian would like: I did a play about Vincent van Gough once and I thought it be funny if I hide silicone ears throughout the set. There was about a dozen in all kinds of nooks and crannies. And the two main actors could not hold their shit together every time they’d find one, it absolutely ruined the show. 😂

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ha ha, oh my, I love the silicone ears tale--like it's the one he cut off come back ta haunt the entire show--an' a DOZEN! yup, I bet'cha anybuddy would find it hard not ta crack! It yer a fan of the ol' Carol Burnett show (I'm'a huge one! those are some'a the most hoot-worthy skits ever!)--go watch how many times either Carol or Harvey Korman just 'bout lose it when Tim Conway duz his "The Oldest Man" schtick--half the fun is watchin' those two try NOT to crack up! (An' a few times Tim jus' bout cracked up his-self!") Glad ya know the Honeymooners--I grew up on "reruns" an' I think that show def. deserves multiple viewin's (I use my girls as an excuse!)--Alice was so sharp with the witty combacks, jus' loved her spunk--half the size of Ralph but he found his match--an' Norton--Art Carney wuz so great at physical comedy--all great stuff an' of course there wuz a lotta Moose Callin' too!

So yup, I too 've been thinkin' about how "zey" not only communicate but control an' war game--I'm so non tecchy it ain't even funny--but there are many who know how ta "hack 'em at the knees!" (software-wise at least! tho' they surely deserve worse...)

Glad folks mentioned couriers too! I used ta fly free ta YourUp bein' one (Bonded!)--takin' all manner of bizness packets an' deliverin' 'em--free plane fare! (Them days are long gone sadly--that an' my ol' eurail passes too!) But yup, tho' ordinary drama students ain't gonna git gigs like that now--I'm sure they're usin' spendy high fallutin' sirVICES ta git their top secret hanky panky dossiers an' blackmail packets delivered)

Sendin' more healin' vibes an' a Tijuana Taxi yer way!


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I meant to tell you that I’ve listen to Tijuana Taxi a few dozen times now. It has become a bit of anthem for me while staying here.

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ha! wull it's a good'un, right? one'a them perky tunes but it's also got gen-u-inely good musicians an' the wacky sound effects ta boot! So, ya know there's a Scopitone too-- it's AWESOME!

(wish the quality of the copy wuz better but enjoy it!!!!) here ya go:


ps I love the choreo!!!!

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That’s fantastic!

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