If you happen to be stopping over in the UK on your way to Bulgaria, be sure to let me know!!

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Oh I so wish, dear Helen! I would have loved to squeeze you and get the kids playing together! I have two other friends in England, and I’d be lying if I haven’t fantasised about making the drive out. And I’m still not gonna tule it out completely. Universe works it’s magical ways without me trying to figure out the how. 🤗

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The visuals were absolutely stunning, I actually watched the video first (and only came back to read a few hours later), REALLY enjoyed it, I've been a lifelong art-lover, something about the simple act of seeing beautiful images gives me a bit of a dopamine hit so this fed that craving.

As for the term conspiracy theorist, I also made a journey from being afraid to be called one to being proud to being called one. But I like some of the alternative versions, coincidence theorist is a good one, there have been some very clever-funny memes about coincidentitis going around.

and by all means do some vlogging when you travel, I would love to read/see/hear about how your trip goes.

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Thanks, Jen! I’m an art lover myself. Even went to art school for a spell before realizing that my talent did not measure up to my love, so I pursued other artistic and performing venues.

I’m fully adapting coincidence theorist (conspiracy theorist) and absurdity theorist (those that deride conspiracy theorists).

I will definitely put out a vlog or two while away. Thanks for the interest!

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I put people who label others as conspiracy theorists in the same box as those who deride homoeopathy but have not investigated it, those who shout 'anti-vaxxer' but have not researched vaccines and those that ridicule astrology and think it comprises merely of horoscopes and sun signs which were invented by a British (I think) journalist in the 1920s rather than the complex science it is. Basically the reductionist materialists I suppose. There was a film in the 1970s featuring David Bowie called 'The Man who Fell to Earth.' It presented the concept of a self-developing camera which instantly developed film in the device. It was derided as a nonsensical fantasy. And now we have digital cameras. Is Atlantis a conspiracy? Lemuria? The idea that we're seeded from The Pleiadians? Personally I've always believed in a little bit of magic which is, of course, what storytelling can be. And how can you be a storyteller and not be drawn to conspiracies? The conspiracy theorists are the non-conformists of the day, the executors of the imagination. By the way, re your elegant text and your report of the chanting coming from the cathedral in Sofia: In the 1970s I acquired a CD from a friend of mine, a world famous double bass player, who loved ethnic music. It was a recording of Le Mystere De Voix Bulgares. I was astonished and have been enchanted by it ever since. I'm going to dig it out right now.

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“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.


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I believe in magic, too! I’ve witnessed it and on good days, have been able to conjure it, on even better days, to navigate it. Yes, all that stuff about being a story teller checks. Once I kicked this door wide open instead of just peeking through the crack, I’ve been gobsmacked with how much there is. Every time I tell myself, well, I’ve heard all of them out at this point, you go down a rabbit hole, and there a million more burrows, some you have never ever heard about, let alone researched. What a time to be alive! (I keep saying that, but it’s quite exciting, isn’t it?)

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what an adventure! (an' ya ARE the expert Adventure-r here!) quite a scenic ride inta history, I liked it muchly as someone who's always in-too-it-id it wuz humans, not extree-terrestrials (I'm just not much've a buyer've the "it's the aliens" stories..) But why not giant 'er tiny folks? Why does our concept of "brilliance" have to look like shiny silver with circuits? Hey, if they kin move them stonehenge stones with animal fat (yes!), then I'd say they wuz a passle smarter than many today--mebbe ALL today...certainly more 'n AI!

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Exactly! Although I'm not ruling out extra dimensional (extra-terrestrial) sending over advanced AIs to mess with us.

Daisy, you're one of the projects in cue, I'm moving along!

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Tonika, your video somehow covers so much fascinating ground economically -- I came away feeling educated, confused in a good kind of way, AND inspired to know more. The compilation of images is kind of staggering, actually. Makes me want to dive ever deeper into the Wombat Hole myself! Thank you!

Keep doing EVERYTHING you're so good at... and I'm glad you're heading abroad for a while. I'm sure you could use some time away, AND who knows what creative energies await you there?

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Thank you so much for saying that, Mary! And definitely check out The Wombat Hole!

I'm still down to collab on the stuff we talked about. Your poetry is next level.

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I will! 👍

And I haven't forgotten our collab, believe me -- it's something I think about daily. My son is coming home from college at the beginning of May, and he's the one with video skills. I'm such a #&@#! perfectionist, I don't want to just throw something together! 😂. But if you're wanting to get it done before you leave, maybe I need to get over myself?? Let me know...

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Nah, take your time, it’ll be nice for your son and you to connect on this. Your words will still apt in August. :)

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Roger that. Thanks, T!

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Terrific work and thoughts again!

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Thanks, John!

BTW, I set up MeWe but haven't had time to explore. Will do it, thanks for your patience.

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MeWe can take a little getting used to and is definitely easier / better on a web browser than as a mobile app. I saw your account show up but I thought it disappeared from my "Intellectual Information and Discussion" group. I admin so many groups that I've got nearly 700 contacts so it's tough to check or keep track in my own contacts list (unless I memorize the username).

MeWe has a very diverse user base. Many groups are "junk", while others have some great individuals providing tidbits and news that otherwise I might not get exposed to.

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I would most likely go directly into the group you invited me into. Rather have an already familiar voice than exploring blindly. I will poke and look for you once I get back to it.

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This is a new skill that humans need to cultivate: grooming our social media.

We don't want to just join every group on Earth to hear a lot of noise. I treasure getting to know people rather than listening to a million random voices. I really wish "Liberty Larry" hadn't left us on MeWe as his thoughts and ardent promotion of liberty expanded my mind. My group is now quite quiet and could use a new "voice".

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Well said.

What happened to Liberty Larry?

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I'm not completely sure. He just disappeared one day. Perhaps he became frustrated with the people in other groups on MeWe that argued with him?

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Well, this is your thing - editing - or at least one of them. More of this, yes! Re Worlds Fair - you probably know his work - Howdie Mickoski has dug up a lot on it. I think it helps us blast through the layers when we see how long they've been rolling out 'realities'.

"...adding a few more fractal dents in my tinfoil hat by delving into other conspiracies that can eventually be augmented artistically for a wider audience." More dents, more vids, more Tonika.

I look forward to you vaca blogs and I hope your Dad is okay.

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Thanks, Kathleen. 🙏 I know you're keen on expanding consciousness too as you hit the mark so eloquently in your stack, and I very often feel us sending out ripples in the morphic resonance field that go on to fist bump ad infinitum.

I will check out Howdie Mickonski. I think I have come across him in some of the research I have done already, but will make sure I have based on your recommendation.

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Wow what good company I'm in on this comment board! I'm thrilled to have another gander at this excellent video. And vlogs sound good to me, especially from an insider view of a place I don't hear much about. Someone else called those who aren't conspiracy theorists, 'coincidence theorists.' Was that Isaac? Mathew? James Corbett? It keeps tickling my absurdist funny bone.

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How the 'Grift Right' Gimps for the Left . . . Steven Crowder almost became Mel Gibson and Kanye West by accident . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/how-the-grift-right-gimps-for-the

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“Coincidence theories”! Yeah, that’s about as absurdly funny and apt as it gets.

Thanks for showing up in the comment section, Tereza! Glad Isaac has connected me with some solid diggers!

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I was just thinking the same, Tereza!

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Same here!

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Yes! I'm very thrilled that I found (and started writing on) Substack. There are some brilliant and talented minds here.

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OMGOD...Embodied MIND is blowing my Body/MIND Wide open! This book also came to me!

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PLEASE if you would indulge me to write a whole piece on this book as I feel it is very important that others understand what we are....which is IMO Magical and a wondrous Mystery!

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WAIT!! NOT the same book, but has same name but this one is one I'm reading and finding fascinating (Understanding the Mysteries of Cellular Memory, Consciousness, and Our Bodies) This might be a great accompaniment to the one you are reading now? Our MIND IS OUR BODY


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So, funny story. I have recently made a new friend (hi, Jen!) who out of the blue suggested the book you're reading as I was reading the one I mentioned by the same title. It caused a bit of slight confusion, but I have put this one in my cue to follow up on because I imagine they both deal with the same essence, perhaps one more in a technical sense and the other more in a metaphysical one. Either way, they seem to be fantastic reads backed up by some pretty consciousness expanding folks. But also, when I say the Universe is speaking to me in code, how many more signs do I need to follow what keeps showing up in pattern?

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Love this Tonika! An anachronistic dilemma indeed, and gets to the heart of the conspiracy theorist journey: how can we hope to change, to make better, this world until first see for what it really is, rose tinted glasses fully removed?

I am super keen to see where you take the World’s Fairs stuff, and still super amazed and grateful that my library of random old world images has been transformed into such a beautiful video.

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Forever grateful you ushered me gently into the controversial (even amongst conspiracy theorists) topics. Loved collaborating and 10 out of 10 would do again.

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I've started calling those who would denigrate conspiracy theory "absurdity theorists".

There is the very challenging problem with conspiracy that it is much like any nascent science---there are so many hypotheses that almost any attempt to nail a complete story down without having experienced it (run experiments) is like splitting the arrow.

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Or coincidence theorists 😂

What an absurd world, even the past was pretty crazy when one looks past the "nostalgia" filter.

BTW visceral, Thanks for the book suggestion in the article. You would also enjoy Ian McGilchrist The Matter with Things on how our left hemisphere processes things differently than our right. Turns out society as it is, rewards left brained logic which is very linear and divides things into objects. Sounds familiar, huh?

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❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Yes, indeed it does. I have McGilchrist in my cue set for a deep dive. The little I’ve heard and read from that guy resonates deeply.

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We need some proper “absurdity theorists” memes.

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That was the goal of viralabsurdities.com, but it didn't catch on.

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Great post, guilty of reading first, and now heading back to the top for the video. One thing that made me chuckle - Matt Hancock is "Midazolam" Matt - the guy who was the UK Health Secretary during the pandemic, I think you mean Graham Hancock!

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Hahahaha! You’re totally right! Will change asap. See how much wrapped up in plandemoniun I’ve been!

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Hmm, that may have been my fault in a subliminal way

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😂 either way, can you just take the blame? I rather like thinking of myself as flawless...

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