Last October was the first time I felt the tectonic meta plates shifting. The character Omicron had entered the scene and stood taking up space in the middle of the stage while the spotlights shifted wildly around looking for the lead actors to take their cues. Everyone in Covidville started getting sick and the “protection” plot leaked all over the orchestra. Blue checks started repeating the only line approved by management and definitions were changed, highlighted, tweaked, and highlighted again. By the time the White House sent out its Xmas cards, however, the pandemic of the ‘unvaccinated’ had begun to look like a pandemic of the hypochondriacs.
We dissented into further absurdities and so I figured, what better way to spend my first anniversary as a Substacker than to recap which events shaped the world and the lens with which I viewed them; how else do I gauge the intentions of this stack of serving the next conscious evolution? My genre has always been ‘story telling’ as stories is what connects us all, only my medium changes from time to time, so with a little bit of help from the dank meme lords, I give you the abridged year of Visceral Adventure’s visceral adventure into the land of stacks, since the inaugural post on October 31st, 2021. Oh, the horror!
First off, I must say, I entered the stack scene quite sheepishly. By Halloween of last year, I had lost friends, gigs, my marbles, and a hefty amount of trust in authority.
I was determined to sit through listening to folks I disagreed with, and I mean, really listen, not just placate, and somewhere along the way I became fully radicalized.
The breakdown of illusion requires discomfort not desirable by most. But sitting with your ego while it’s dying and letting fundamental pillars crumble can be transcendent. A resolution washes over you while your empathy grows so large it even shrouds your own vulnerable soul. How many times in your life do you get to be kind to your own self?
At first there was a numbness to it all.
Sometimes, despair would seep in and make you doubt your own mind.
But those moments became more scarce as more truth came out to prop up the reality that
And if we simply
we’ll find that
And as the world turned, events came and went and seeing them through a new lens brought less impulsive outrage and more humility. Covid was just a small piece of the puzzle from a box with a missing lid, and there were many more that linked into one another creating a multi-dimensional picture of reality.
At first, it all seemed like just a social experiment to test our level of compliance.
Then you start tumbling down some rabbit holes and along the way, the tea parties at the Mad Hatter’s turn up some interesting clues and leave you with a long list of even more rabbit holes and more invitations to tea.
You wait a couple of months and all the wild and the incredulous out there begins to resemble this meme.
So when the mayor of my city tries to bribe her citizenry
it comes off so heavy handed, her integrity takes a ride on Thelma and Louise’s 1966 Thunderbird convertible. Yet, perhaps not as heavy handed as the people who stigmatized their fellow humans
all over the world
and we started to understand how atrocities were committed in the past on the basis of mob mentality.
After all,
While we tried out hardest to appeal to reason and common sense
the nonsensical guidelines of our public health agencies were still followed without question
while treading into the land of dangerous.
and cruel
And as the weeks passed it became clear that
The data was coming in and it was becoming painfully obvious that we were treated to a whole lotta
The VAERS system was blaring red alert through the roof, as it became concerning that public health entities were not comprised of serious people.
For as many people that were dying right after their jabs,
which led to
Twitter’s algo was hard at work pretending certain things weren’t a thing.
Social media groups, hundreds of thousands of members deep, were erased in fell swoops to prevent people from communicating openly and so folks learned to speak in code because they simply needed to alert others, as many as possible that there was something tying all these sudden deaths together.
In the meantime, there was some mind bending creativity in trying to explain it all away.
With only the one possibility not allowed a seat at the table.
But people were dying. And so people were asking better questions.
And drawing better conclusions.
The shots campaign for kids failed gloriously because by that point most of them had natural immunity and the parents concluded that the jabs were a bigger threat than covid.
That didn’t stop the Euro mintset from Vatican City to include “a 20 Euro silver coin, which depicts a doctor, a nurse and a young person who is ready to receive the vaccine. The design is intended to emphasize the importance of vaccination and, in addition, to remind people that health care is a moral obligation to society. The coin set is delivered in the original box including a certificate of authenticity.”
The new year was off with a bang with the courage of the Canadian truckers
and the cowardice of Canadian’s prime minister
And although Canada had been the go-to country of choice for many a deflector, it no longer presented itself as a beacon of freedom.
We got a taste of what can happen if you peacefully protest
and we had to give in to guerrilla memefare to help lift the spirits from the loss of that battle.
There was an awful lot of distraction that succeeded the trucker fest, some ridiculous
some, pretty cool
some, questionable
And some, downright criminal because they used it for another round of shots no one in their right mind needed.
But nothing worked as well as
because it was then that the conversation shifted
Everyone began taking sides,
and other issues became even more prominent,
dragging critical race theory into it
and taking up issues that had not previously existed.
By May, no matter how much could be explained by
something more immediate was needed to cause further division.
Irony died along the way
and jokes became crueler because the truth did too.
Even though some folks on my social media feed still seemed pretty clueless
I was starting to see more and more of my contacts join the likes of Telegram and Signal. At some point the government even hired Nina Jankowicz (remember her?) and tried to run a Ministry of Truth as social media conglomerates turned the screws and went on a censorship spree.
It was carnage. It still is. Even with Elon’s acquisition of the Bird.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media was still licking the boots of its highest bidders
and while Gislaine Maxwell was convicted of trafficking minors to nobody, Julian Assange is rotting away confined for the crime of telling the truth. So much for the integrity of the media.
When you turn on the tele, you notice, they’re talking about dum dums, and if you don’t notice, it’s you they are talking about. The rule of dumb is to keep inundating us with proper key jingling as some of us attest to the fact that we spent waaaaaaay too much time looking at the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop.
For a moment there, the government even considered buying crack pipes to help out addicts
Then the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed
and the memes delivered the goods.
In the meantime, those that saw the writing on the wall, started exiting the current fiat system, even under mocking duress, as millions of new digital wallets were opened by noobs. Call it faith, I guess.
When the money supply renders its product meaningless, the only meta currency we got is trust and hoo-boy, are some people out there paupers in that department. The economic downfall crashes to the sound of inevitability, but CBDCs give me the heebeejeebees. Instead of fixing the money and fixing the world, we began fighting over definitions again
and some are still fighting to this day.
If you were smart, you started prepping: non-perishables in your pantry, water, a genie, initial attempts at gardening. If you tried buying life straws from Amazon, you might have been surprised that they came with a protection plan. What kind of an apocalypse do these people think we are having? But all jokes aside, the borborygmus in our bellies and the prices at the pumps were relentless.
It was worse in Europe. And in England, not only was the energy crisis dialing up, they buried their queen, and exchanged one or two prime ministers.
Liz Truss didn’t even outlast a head of lettuce, and her handlers didn’t care for her anymore than they did for Boris.
People wanted to get back to normal so bad. They wanted to stress to melt away, but the ratchet only cranked one way.
And the tighter it cranked, the more people broke away from its hold.
There were attempts at some weak ass mea culpas
as some of us have been waiting around for a long long awhile for critical mass to take hold.
Certain shenanigans have gone long enough.
Certain words have been thrown back.
We’re all conspiracy theorists now.
Well, almost all. Those that still (unbelievably) believe that the government has your best interest at heart and that public health entities are there for your safety and protection, just might be under some kind of spell. There is no other explanation. You can’t even engage right now, just walk away.
Maybe we can toss them a few memes so they get the point.
If this didn’t sink in,
the rest will look just plan silly.
So let’s not take it personally if they don’t come along this ride.
We can, at least all agree on this:
And more importantly, remember this:
As promised, I leave you with a Halloween portrait — for those that miss who I used to be, the me that I have found doesn’t want to go back to your version of reality. I’m a free range animal now, damn it.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn't hear the music.
Friedrich Nietzsche
God I loved so hard on some of these. Thank you
Speaking of "suddenly Nazis were okay":
Thanks! I'm going to borrow a lot of these, and you're invited to borrow from my own collection: