Thanks, available tools are not the problem it's a gap in user skills. My counter argument is always the same.. some bit of code can fix anything if there's sufficient motivation & random quantity of pestering along with home baked cookies eventually works in my favor!
You’re a pretty classy broad, Pamela, I know you! Also, class and crass are just a letter off anyway. :)
Please, fix your telegram connection. Your absence is deeply felt in OU. 😬
Missing my OU crew hugely too still nagging my infosec guardians for app freedom!!! :~)
I have a burner number should you need it. Just sayin’.
Thanks, available tools are not the problem it's a gap in user skills. My counter argument is always the same.. some bit of code can fix anything if there's sufficient motivation & random quantity of pestering along with home baked cookies eventually works in my favor!