On Rounding the Earth
Mathew Crawford and Liam Sturgess invited Braeden Daggett and I to talk about the roles of the artists in these here times
I’m quickly posting this now while I’m flying high from the roundtable at the Rounding the Earth podcast. This is the first time I’ve been invited to speak publicly about my views on the reality as I perceive it. In many ways I am grateful that it was Liam and Mathew whom I already know from the Operation Uplift Team (which has been my rescue community), and I consider them friends, although we have never been in the same geographical place together. The conversation felt free and authentic. I shared the guest stage with Braeden Daggett whose music got me moving in my dining room chair.
And even though we started out with technical difficulties, I pulled a Diane Biegel and Jumped to Conclusions™ that the deep state was censoring the stream. 😂 Because you know, the first SADS video got pulled down on YouTube and The Sound of Silenced Science is rounding the 7,000 view corner and we’re taking bets on how long before the Stasi yank it. But in the end, tech was solved and we broadcast. Here’s the roundtable in full:
And for the most surreal part of the day, and pardon the caps, but Mathew GIFTED ME A GUITAR!!!
Ok EDIT: Something cut off my post prematurely and I keep getting error messages. What I had posted that I was as speechless as one can get on the podcast so I wanted to offer a more eloquent thanks to Mathew for the incredibly meaningful, generous, and extraordinary gift. It will be the gift that keeps on giving. I will learn to pluck these here chords the way I learned the ukulele - through passion, fun, and love of sharing music with the world.
Ok, I’m gonna go spend the day over the moon. Substack has some weird glitch explanation to do. Thank you to all who listened, watched, and shared the Sound of Silence video. A spicy high five to Diane, Robin, Sage, and Alina for collaborating on this project with me. Looking forward to future collaborations.
Weird glitch during the publishing of this post cut have my words away. Technology is not having it with me today.
That was awesome! The discussion was really interesting, addressing some topics that went beyond just the data wrt the injections, and some of the politics surrounding the whole mess, venturing into thoughts on how individuals felt and experienced the past few years (like thinking, I am a conspiracy theorist..? I am the only one who thinks something fishy is going on? And finding one's courage to speak, finding a voice, connecting with others...), and the role of artists. But the most enjoyable bit of the whole video was the last little bit where Mathew tells you he bought you a guitar. That was just pure fun and a delight to watch as a viewer. Yay!!!