I don’t do many hot takes. It’s not my thing. Plenty of journos out there with good research skills and eloquent assessment. So, please bear with me while I push out my quick and impulsive reaction.
More and more are coming out admitting their buyer’s remorse. It takes courage to do it. And I don’t mean the ones waving their flags and blowing their whistles out of their limited hangouts.
I hope those whose positions are similar to Scott’s seek assessment and detoxification treatment, and above all, not loose sight of the fact that the body has miraculous healing properties and its intelligence is wiser than we’ve come to understand.
I beseech all my fellow anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, pariahs, outcasts, fighters, and DYOR folk to resist the urge to dunk on anyone. The energies have shifted. The truth is coming around main stream. The apologies have begun. And none of it feels like winning.
There is no 'winning' and no 'losing'. Defining this experience in that way keeps us trapped in the dualistic way of thinking that brought us here in the first place.
The arousing will need a delousing not a dousing, that's for sure! LoL! Well, maybe some time in appropriate steam baths to help shed the toxins of various sorts injected.
It is funny that the people who were cautious were a scourge, and now they're the ones who showed courage.
LOL. Watching Scott reminds me pure theatre of the fool!
The more fool us, for playing on our duty.
I'll have grounds
More relative than this—the comic's the thing
Wherein we'll strip the conscience of the conned.
All the world's a stage,
and we the unvaxed and flummoxed merely players!
We have our exits and our entrances.
And each of us in our short time play many parts.
And the part common to all of us? The fool.