I’ve been collecting memes all year. Admittedly, it takes me longer to organize and figure out which ones will end up on the cutting room floor, than to dump them in this here memlanche. But last year’s review seemed to have been enjoyed by many of you, so I’m bringing it back. It’s pretty volumus so feel free to put away and come back to whenever you want. And if you never make it to the end (and I hope you’re getting some much needed time off screens if you don’t!), please allow me this moment to wish you all a Happy New Year and an illuminating 2024! I am so very grateful that you have spent the time with me and I know how valuable and important your attention is. Many thanks to dank meme makers and propagators everywhere, including Ratio, Margaret Anna Alice, and the creative randos on social media whose memes I’ve unapologetically stolen.
If you’re offended by language, ideas, unpopular opinions, bad taste, etc., proceed no further.
Let’s dive in. I’m a loving person, I really am, I just have a need to let the valve out once in awhile and memes do it for me. I hope they do it for you too.
And let’s face it, when I slide into normie world, I sometimes forget that we don’t talk the way we do on Substack but I can’t help myself, memes are just too darn digestible.

After all, we don’t have the same resources as those we oppose, so pointing at the emperor’s lack of clothes is, at the very least, fun.

Ok, let’s rewind back to the beginning of 2023. We knew the score back then. We knew what was coming.
The world was still pretty obsessed with Ukraine.

And Zelensky did his thing around the world…
…ingratiating himself and speaking at special occasions, even those that are honoring actual nazis, but to be fair, Hanlon’s Razor most likely cut on the incompetence side with that one. If you didn’t hear about it back then, I’ll just let El Risitas explain it for maximum effect:
That was in September, and the only other event worth noting during that month (even with Shemitah prophecies and what not) was the anniversary of 9/11 whose significance was to play a foreshadow in what came shortly after.

By the time October was done putting on its pants, Zelensky’s outlook changed dramatically.

The media has changed its tune as well so you know narratives are shifting in real time.
But before we get into the current state of affairs, let’s revisit the time when the covid spell still held the covidian hearts and minds. Let’s go back to an event that happened on January the 2nd that set off a chain of awareness in the normie world because it happened during a national past time.
Damar Hamlin, a Buffalo Bills football player collapsed on national TV and had rumors filling up every crevice of social media.
How could it not? If this was a big LARP to get vaccine skeptics looking stupid, well done, Jabber Team. Keeping Damar away from the public post incident generated more interest than the fact that he legitimately collapsed most likely due to a vaccine injury. At least, we got a few glorious memes out of it. And I really hope Damar (and Foxx, and Dover, and…whoever else clone believers think isn’t the original) isn’t a clone. If that kind of technology exists, we’re so screwed.
This last one is extra spicy as it features another great Lazarus, whose April reappearance could have rivaled that of other important spring resurrections,
but instead it received a lukewarm NBC special and most skeptics chalked the phoenixed Tiffany off as a fake and moved on. It had been two years since her collapse.
January was also the month in which Pfizer allegedly
because Project Veritas allegedly found a way to spring traps on dummies
but Jonathan Walker disappeared faster than definitions of ‘vaccine’ in the Webster dictionary and the whole thing was just another distraction in the end.
Soon after, Project Veritas fell apart, most likely due to another controlled implosion, and that left us with pointing the finger in any and all directions.
Distractions came in many shapes and forms. The classified document fiasco hit later on that January.

Early February gave us the Chinese Weather Balloon.
And late February brought us Woody’s SNL speech.
Across the pond, surveillance was starting to become a problem the citizenry was taking in its own hands to solve
whilst in America, at the tail end of the twitter file dump,
tech companies were finally being questioned about their spying practices
But that didn’t stop us from using social media, nor did it stop us from arguing about nonsense, nor from fulfilling the intended purpose of keeping us pointing at each other rather than looking for the hand that shakes the jar.

Artificial Intelligence was taking over our natural stupidity and we were getting bullied by an algorithm.
It was affecting our relationships

and there was a genuine fear that AI will take over all over our jobs
But really, it was just the artists that were taking the L, well, some artists…

Con artists were having fun with it,
and so were the French,
oh, and maybe AI itself.
There was quite a bit of ‘disclosure’ happening around UAPs, UFOs, aliens, inter-dimensional beings, [insert latest moniker here] as well, but the conspiracy world wasn’t exactly having it.

I’m down for some extraterrestrials, it’s just that we’re most likely incredibly insignificant to them, with primitive technology and views
and we fake their presence for the manipulation of the masses
and who knows if they, themselves, are LARPing around, eh?
If we were as insignificant to them as ants are to us, why wouldn’t they LARP around?
We have proven to be an unserious species.
Time and time again.

And I know, it’s pretty difficult to navigate…

But I think it perhaps explains a lot.
And let’s be honest, aliens are a pretty big distraction and will be a good hand for TPTB to play when the time comes.
After they’re done peddling plandemias to the full extent.

By plandemists who will say and do anything to keep it going.

And for some, who seem to be addicted to the narrative, it worked!

For some, it got handled with a humbling admission,
and others used parody,
Because we went through a short period of the dumb ages,

in which even science suddenly wasn’t sciencing in some brains
and warnings weren’t heeded,

even as warnings became reality,

and the antagonism ramped up

Bob Moran’s art kept us going
as did the creative humor of internet randos.
It’s really nice to see more people paying attention, at least in the plandemic department…

…because for awhile, these elephant memes were stacking up…

sand we don’t want to keep repeating the past
and ending up in an unpleasant present.
Sometimes I am wistful about the past

but it wasn’t what we romanticize that it was.
We have arrived to our present moment fair and square

for better or for worse.

If it wasn’t immediately obvious what was going on, there were helpful hints

and calls to become ungovernable.

The rest of spring was pretty quiet.

Except for the battle of Anheuser-Busch
that seemed to have been the pinnacle of the culture wars which, let’s be honest, if you thought this post was too long and there were too many memes in this memelanche, I’d have to fill many more in an order of magnitude, so we could just note that two points moving further away from each other on a straight line inevitably come back to being closer if that line was the shape of a horseshoe.
Normies everywhere were trying to make hard choices.
And in Canada, those choices were a bit extra hard.

The expectations from their leadership wasn’t too high though.

Not that they were all that high in the USA.

Heading into an election year, the memes just meme themselves, but I’d like to point out one more time that the Uniparty doesn’t give a rat’s rump about your issues.

The government still wants to disarm its citizens,

silence their voices,

tax them into oblivion,

and brainwash them with state sponsored media.

They want to restrict them with CBDCs,

and carbon footprint limits,

and diet restrictions,

stuff them in 15 minute cities,

force them into never-ending wars,

without a care about them

so they can enslave and rule over humanity for generations

with zero accountability.

The funny thing is that the people are starting to see right through it,

and even with poor choices and plenty of black pills
and realize that the power lies within the people,

and not dumb bureaucrats,
incompetent kleptocrats,
eccentric aristocrats,
insatiable monocrats,
psychopathic plutocrats,
and hypocritical technocrats.

They’ve had their turn for awhile.
Perhaps we can try and give it a go ourselves.
How can we do any worse?
Even if it takes a few sacrifices.
Get loud about it
or not so loud about it
or try and avoid it

but seriously take this advice:
Conspiracy theorists have been denigrated

but we are still here, calling it like it is ( a mini memelanche of ‘I-told-you-so’s):

It’s not an easy job

but someone has to enjoy it and take pride in it.

Don’t let yourself be dissuaded with grifters, parasocial relationships, naysayers, or even loved ones who aren’t ready.

I’m always down to theorize,

heck, I glow up on it.

The point it, you don’t have to go at it alone,
we’re out here, just reach out.

Most of us don’t take ourselves too seriously.
And look, we were not set up for success. We most likely all came through the Prussian education system where they dumbed us down bit by bit. We came out not prepared to recognize how the world actually works.

But some of us pulled through anyway, pulled our kids out of institutionalized schools and pulled no punches.

Because we all know what they’re selling in the schools.

It makes it possible to look at the rest of the 2023 world events and ask:
No matter if that’s Trump arrest in August,

Or fights over speaker of the house, or the Hawaii fires, or (as we slide quickly into the fall with our current events), the missing F35,

or Rusty Rockets,
or breaking news stories about peodophiles,
or supposed Argentina revolutions,
or SBF trials, verdicts, and sentencing…is anyone even paying attention to that anymore?

Yes, distractions came in all kinds of dumb sizes
but we knew a big one was coming soon.
And so, as the leaves began to change,
and prices were starting to sky rocket,
and more vaccine victims were piling up,
October 7th came plowing in to our consciousness.

But who wouldn’t be distraught and distracted by the new crop of people dying?
It leaves the populace stunned into despair and nihilism.
October closed with everyone shell shocked and yet managing to eek out a Halloween as if nothing was happening on the other side of the world.

Kissinger, got one last parting wish, I guess.
Goodbye and good riddance!
He lived to be 99 and die a free man while Julian Assange is still rotting in prison for being a journalist.

And Epstein’s clients haven’t seen a day in court.

So, the majority of people need a filter through which to see reality.
It’s understandable.
Especially understandable for those who have more to lose than others.
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Pfuck yes.
And as December comes to a close, we can’t forget about some of the more memorable distractions that took place

that gave way to more meaningful thoughts about meaninglessness.

Yet despite it all, it was a decent Christmas.

And whether you celebrate or not, on that day and any other day, I still wish all of you this,
a dump of my favourite venn diagram memes,

some advice on handling social media,

and the courage and patience to
and not take yourself all too seriously.
There’s a natural order of things

and it’s good to remember that
and a one in a lifetime black swan event can change the course of the future for better or for worse.
I know you are weary going into 2024
and you’re afraid it’ll be a repeat of 2023

but have some faith that you can do something about it.
I shall leave you with the words of wisdom of a few thinkers who spoke to me: the final handful of memes that will complete this giant memelanche. You made it to the end. I really hope you didn’t do it in one go. And if it’s now already 2024 because it’s taken you this long to get through the post, how’s your year going? Drop me a line and let me know. I promise to reply no matter what you write (have at me too, if you want, random spammers and anti-semites). And now for the parting memes:

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